A dentist has issued a stark warning about a common sleeping habit that could alter the shape of your face over time.

The team at Maryland Holistic Dentist have sent out a message to ‘mouth breathers’, explaining the potential problems they could face if this issue is not addressed.

In addition, a rhinoplasty surgeon, known as @TikTokRhinoDoc on social media, has shared six signs to identify if you breathe through your mouth while sleeping. A statement from Maryland Holistic Dentist reads: “People who mouth breathe during the day and night almost always develop a mouth breather face. Proper nasal breathing is one of the most important things for overall health.”

They suggest that mouth breathers often suffer from “poor mouth breather face, sleep apnea, teeth clenching, poor posture, thyroid problems and bad facial profile”. Typically, mouth breathers either have smaller nasal passageways or poor performance of the tongue and airways. The statement further adds: “If there is not enough space for air to flow through the nose, then people will need to open the mouth to meet basic oxygen demands.

“The nose issue is really a matter of space in the nose. It is a structural problem. Orthodontic expanders widen the palate and dramatically improve nose breathing efficiency.” The palatal bone (maxilla) is the same as the base of the nose, so palatal expanders is a way to increase the space available for nasal breathing. Sometimes surgery such as nasal turbinate ablation can be necessary. Better surgical results are achieved after the use of expanders. And often surgery is not necessary after maxillary palate expansion.”

In a TikTok video, a rhinoplasty surgeon outlined six common signs that you might be breathing through your mouth while sleeping. These include persistent bad breath, frequent dental fillings, and waking up with drool on your pillow.

Additionally, those who wake up feeling tired or suffer from unexplained anxiety, or wake up in the middle of the night with a dry mouth needing a drink, may also be mouth breathers. If you suspect you’re breathing through your mouth during sleep and want to reverse any potential damage to your facial muscles, it’s recommended to consult your doctor.

One user responded to the surgeon’s TikTok video, saying: “My nose is blocked due to rhinitis so I can’t breathe from my nose and I need to use mouth to breathe.” Another user chimed in, asking for advice on how to ensure nose breathing during the night without resorting to mouth tape. The surgeon replied: “If you haven’t had surgery, I would see an ENT for an evaluation to make sure you don’t have a deviated septum.”

Meanwhile, a third user shared their experience: “I wake up with my throat super dry and that’s how I know I was sleeping with my mouth open. I’ve always had breathing issues and I’m not sure if it has to do with my nose being crooked.”