A single mum who believes marriage is “unhealthy” says she hopes her teen daughter never walks down the aisle. Tracy Kiss, a former Page 3 model, says she is is frequently “shamed by other parents for having a healthy libido”. And she believes many of them would feel more comfortable if she “just found herself a partner and got married”.
But Tracy has “zero intention” of seeing a ring on her special finger. “I tried marriage at a young age and realised how archaic and unhealthy it is,” said Tracy, from Buckinghamshire. “These days, people marry for the sake of a pretty dress and eating cake rather than the sanctity of ‘till death do us part’. I breathe a sigh of relief and feel incredibly thankful that I never went through with it.
“And I have zero intention of ever getting married. I’ve never witnessed a marriage that I’d want to be in myself and it’s not something I encourage or want for my daughter, either. I’m so fed up with other parents on the school run asking me how my love life is going.They don’t seem particularly happy being coupled up and I think they are secretly jealous of my sex and dating life.”
Tracy, who called it quits on her engagement in 2013, says she’s “incredibly lucky” to have never been through a divorce – or married. She doesn’t like the idea of being a ‘possession tied to someone else for eternity’.
Tracy said: “I was too young to understand or know any better. I now date with absolutely zero intention to ever marry or have more children. There’s this silent invisible clock hanging over every woman’s head telling us we are running out of time to find someone who will propose.
“But the reality is that we’d be better off ditching marriage altogether. I make my opinions crystal clear to my dates. If they are offended, that’s their issue. But most of my dates are in awe of the fact that I don’t want their money, don’t need to be looked after and don’t want them to marry me.If anything, it makes them try harder to date me.”
But just because she doesn’t want to wed, it doesn’t mean love is off the cards. Tracy’s ideal man is someone who knows who they are and isn’t afraid to be vulnerable. She added: “I want to see a person’s soul. And I want them to be the happiest, healthiest and most outgoing version of themselves so that they sleep well at night, make informed decisions and have the most amazing sex.
“But right now, I’m happy being single. I am so thankful to live a life that I adore. I am happy, healthy and have two amazing kids.”