Protein is important, and that’s why professional footballer Siobhan, also known as Shiv, Wilson has revealed how to incorporate a staggering 120g of protein into your daily diet without resorting to shakes.

While protein shakes offer a convenient method for ingesting large quantities of protein swiftly, if they’re not to your taste or you prefer a more natural approach, Shiv has assured that it’s achievable.

As per the Better Health Channel: “Protein is an important part of a healthy diet. Proteins are made up of chemical ‘building blocks’ called amino acids. Your body uses amino acids to build and repair muscles and bones and to make hormones and enzymes. They can also be used as an energy source.”

Shiv, who defends for Birmingham City, divulged her typical daily menu to achieve such high protein intake. The meals are surprisingly simple to prepare and allow for protein consumption from natural sources.

To kickstart her day, Shiv opts for four eggs for breakfast. She commented: “I always find it really funny how people think that’s really excessive. It’s actually not”.

She might pair this “with a bagel and half an avocado just to spice it up a bit”. Naturally, when preparing eggs, opting for a cooking method like boiling is advisable to avoid adding extra calories.

For a protein-rich lunch, Shiv suggests 120g of chicken breast “with some rice and some veg,” and if chicken isn’t appealing, “you can substitute that with salmon or steak”.

She further elaborated: “A really underrated protein source, in my opinion, that not a lot of people talk about are tuna steaks,” which are loaded with approximately 40g of protein. For vegans or vegetarians, tofu is a viable plant-based protein alternative to meat.

When it comes to an evening meal high in protein, she suggested 120g of 5% fat beef mince “with some rice or pasta,” depending on your preference, accompanied by a “side of veg for health”.

“For a snack, I’d probably have 200g of 0% fat Greek yoghurt with some fruit,” she divulged. She added: “It’s that simple”.

“You don’t need to rely on protein shakes to get your protein in; you can easily hit your protein goals with food,” she advised.

Shiv went on to say: “Don’t get me wrong, protein shakes are great, especially if you’re running low on your protein goal for the day, but I’d rather get my protein source from actual food as it’s a better quality source of protein and it’s gonna keep you full and satiated for longer”.

If you’re finding it challenging to maintain a balanced diet or aspire to lead a healthier lifestyle, consult your GP for advice.