A Costa coffee barista has said a habit some customers have is ‘not very hygienic or polite’ as experts have explained the etiquette we should all be following in cafes and coffee shops. A TikTok video has gained over 170,000 views, sharing how hospitality workers have to remind customers how to behave in public.

The video laughs at how customers think it’s appropriate to take their shoes off when inside cafes and restaurants. Users have shared their annoyance at the issue, commenting“Why do people keep taking their shoes off”, and another user agreed with this comment saying “I wish they’d stop”.

Payment experts at Dojospoke with Costa Coffee barista, Raluka Ciora, who said: “It’s not very hygienic or polite to sit with your shoes off, especially with feet placed on another chair. I have noticed many customers do it and I have chosen not to say anything, however, I feel like it’s an unwritten rule not to as you are in a public place.

“If someone were to complain, I tend to offer the customer who is making the complaint, to sit further away from the person with their socks off.”

A Dojo spokesman said: “It’s becoming increasingly common to see people work from cafes, especially as more companies are offering work-from-anywhere policies, so understandably customers want to feel comfortable. However, it’s important to be mindful that these spaces are a business and following etiquette, like keeping socks and shoes on and keeping noise to appropriate levels, improves the experience for staff and customers alike.”

Rules the coffee shop experts want you to follow:

Be mindful of noise levels

The polite etiquette is to be mindful of surrounding customers and not to be noisy. For customers who decide to remote work from cafes, it is recommended not to join online calls, or speak at high volume, out of respect for fellow customers. Wearing headphones and not playing your music out loud is an unwritten rule when sitting in coffee shops.

Don’t outstay your welcome

It can be common for customers to order one drink at a cafe and remain seated for hours. Remember, if you choose to work from a cafe you’ll be using a table that could have seated other paying customers. To better support the business you’re visiting, it’s best to order items throughout your stay if you’re intending to work, or sit, for an extended period of time.

Don’t take up more space than you need

Cafes can become busy, especially during peak hours, so avoid using multiple tables or spreading belongings across chairs. Be respectful to other customers, and be prepared to share tables when necessary.