Waking up with a throbbing head can leave you wondering whether it’s a headache or a migraine. Both conditions can cause discomfort, but migraines are typically more intense and may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, or visual disturbances.
So how can you tell the difference? Neurology Nurse Practitioner Jayme Durbin shared seven ways to distinguish between the two on CLS Health’sTikTok page.
How to tell the difference between migraine and headache
Firstly, she explained that a ‘throbbing or pulsating pain’ is likely indicative of a migraine, which the NHS describes as a severe headache with a throbbing pain usually on one side.
On the other hand, headaches tend to present as a ‘full, pressing pain’. She also noted that if over-the-counter medicines like paracetamol alleviate the pain, it’s probably a regular headache.
However, the NHS suggests trying painkillers such as ibuprofen and paracetamol for migraines too, along with triptans and anti-nausea medications. Lifestyle changes may also be recommended by a GP to manage migraines, with relaxation techniques and acupuncture being other potential aids.
Nausea and vomiting are often linked with migraines, which can also bring about sensitivity to light, sound, and smell. If you’re experiencing ‘moderate pain intensity’ for a ‘short duration’, it’s typically indicative of a headache.
‘Bilateral pain’, meaning pain on both sides of the body, also points more towards a headache, whereas migraines tend to affect just one side of the head. Stress-related headaches are usually not migraines, according to Jayme.
Nonetheless, CLS Health emphasises that this information is for “informational purposes” only and not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you’re dealing with severe migraines that are worsening or lasting longer than usual, occurring more than once a week, or are hard to manage, it’s important to consult your GP.
What are the symptoms of a migraine?
The NHS identifies the main symptom as a “very bad headache with a throbbing pain on one side of the head”, but there may be other accompanying symptoms, such as: