The longing for a blissful night’s sleep is something we all share.

We need our rest, and there are few things more frustrating than being awake when you should be sleeping. You might not know it but, if you struggle to rest, a common habit might be the culprit.

Neuroscientist Robert Love has identified a nightly routine many people engage in that’s disrupting their sleep which he discussed in his latest TikTok video – sparking quite a conversation.

It turns out it can have quite a big impact on our health, and it’s something many of us do. We just don’t realise how much it can impact us.

Robert explained: “Stop doing this one thing at night because it is ruining your sleep. The one thing is scrolling social media in your bed.”

He cautioned against the impact of this activity on good rest, saying: “Stop this, it is terrible for your sleep. Here’s why – number one, social media is designed by very smart people trying to keep you awake and keep you buying and keep you scrolling, so please get off that.

“Scrolling is designed like a slot machine to really have you go up and down in your emotions, so please don’t do that – that’ll impair your sleep.

“Number two – the blue light can stimulate your eyes. This can reduce melatonin, and that can impair sleep as well.

“Stop using your phone ideally an hour before bed – leave it outside the bedroom or turn it off. Instead, read a book or a journal or pray, meditate or talk to a loved one – that is a much better and healthier thing to do before bed, and you will get much better sleep.”

Eager viewers engaged with the content quickly, sharing their own experiences and seeking advice. One said: “I do this every night.”

Another revealed: “Me at 9.30pm in my bed and I just came across this. I will stop tomorrow.” Meanwhile, a third person asked for help, writing: “That’s true and I was not aware. Can you teach me how to relax? I’m always working and I’m always tired. I don’t know how to rest.”

Does scrolling through social media before bed truly affect your sleep?

Experts confirm that scrolling can “significantly impact sleep negatively” due to the blue light that screens emit, which can interrupt our natural sleep cycle and suppress melatonin production. This leads to greater difficulty falling asleep, and may result in a lower overall sleep quality.

The stimulating nature of social media also contributes to keeping people awake when they should be unwinding for the night. Moreover, remaining active on social media can stimulate your brain and heighten alertness, making relaxation more challenging.

This habit can also serve as a significant distraction, causing you to lose track of time easily. Consequently, you might find yourself staying awake later than planned, resulting in less sleep than necessary. Such a routine can negatively impact you in various ways.