Simple question: Is Maple Leaf management not aware of Morgan Rielly’s terrible numbers i.e. plus/minus? Yet they play him during last minutes when they need shooters, speed and defensive skills on the backend. You better wise up because I know I’m not the only sideline coach who can see the obvious.

Gil Salo

(Makes you wonder why they are on a losing streak)


Re “Our politicians actually do think we’re stupid” (Lorrie Goldstein, Jan. 25): You know why our politicians actually do think we’re stupid? It’s because we are. Every election that comes along reminds and amazes me of how low-knowledge, politically unaware and apathetic Canadian voters are. Even worse than our friends south of the border, if that’s possible. It’s too bad there couldn’t be some kind of minimal civics knowledge test to allow people to vote. It really is a shame.

Bob Sanborn

(We can only hope in the next federal election Canadians don’t make the same Liberal mistake)


Re “Chrystia Freeland pitches aggressive trade retaliation threat to ward off Trump” (The Canadian Press, Jan. 27): I feel like this is a the-best-defence-is-a -good offence strategy, and is definitely in striking contrast to the confidential, carefully crafted strategy that the Liberal Party is promising. I just worry that the latter is basically planning for failure, planning to be reactive rather than proactive, and doing the same things yet expecting a different outcome. 51st state? No means no, Donald.

S. Chris Crawley
Victoria, B.C.

(If we had a properly functioning federal government with parliamentarians debating and passing a comprehensive response to the incoming tariffs, as a country we would be better off)


Back in 2021, Justin Trudeau claimed he needed a mandate to deal with the pandemic. We masked up and queued outside in order to vote, socially distant of course. Surely now, with the threats of tariffs or assimilation from our southern neighbour, an election is needed, with as short a campaign period as the law allows.

Larry McGuire
Perth, Ont.

(Canadians think it’s high time for an election – except the Liberals)