Certain vehicle owners are to be hit with large vehicle tax hikes within a matter of weeks. Huge changes are being made to the vehicle tax system from April and these will see millions of drivers having to pay more.

Drivers affected will include owners of new cars less than a year old. From now on, car owners will be with hit with higher charges the more emissions their cars release.

This serves as a stark heads-up for anyone mulling over the purchase of a brand-new motor, as they will be lumped with extra first-year tax costs. Vehicle tax is always higher for new cars in their first year on the roads, before dropping to the standard rate of £195 a year.

But from April, these rates are set to climb even higher. Prospective buyers should take note of the emissions figures when selecting a new vehicle, as those emitting over 76g/km of CO2 will see their first-year rate double, reports Birmingham Live.

The move is part of a broader push to encourage a shift towards more environmentally friendly vehicles. And it’s not just owners of new petrol or diesel cars who will feel the pinch; for the first time, electric vehicle (EV) owners will also be required to pay tax from April.

Richard Evans, spokesperson for the motoring website webuyanycar, commented on the changes: “For vehicles running on diesel or petrol emitting over 76g/km of CO2, the first-year tax will double compared to the current rate. Although even electric vehicles (EVs) aren’t exempt. From April 1, 2025, EVs will no longer be exempt from road tax, and their £0 first-year rate will rise to £10 for people buying an EV after April 2025.”