A mother has been left gobsmacked by her daughter’s reaction when asked to contribute towards rent.

The cost of living crisis continues to bite, with everyday expenses on the rise for most people. One 49-year-old mum, who has two adult children still living at home – ‘Emma’, 25, and ‘Ian’, 23 – is feeling the pinch.

She divorced their father 12 years ago and has since become accustomed to it being just the three of them. Her ex-husband willingly provided child support until both children turned 18.

Now, both Emma and Ian are in full-time employment, have “no school debt” and continue to live at home. The mum is struggling to save for her retirement while funding her adult children, and has asked them to start contributing.

On Reddit, she shared: “I have asked them repeatedly to contribute a set amount each month towards household expenses since I can’t continue supporting them forever. Ian doesn’t have a problem with this, but Emma thinks it’s my responsibility as her mother to support her financially until she’s ready to move out.”

The mother isn’t “trying to profit from them”, but she does want to be able to put some money aside for her retirement. She has requested $100 (£80) per week from each of them “to cover their share of groceries, utilities, and household supplies”.

She added: “I buy all the groceries, laundry detergent, toilet paper, etc for the house. They are responsible for their cars and related expenses, cell phones, and personal toiletries.”

The mum has conceded some of her daughter’s friends live at home scot-free, which may be having an impact on Emma’s thinking, but “they also ‘live in a home with both parents working.'”

But it was her daughter’s response that really got people talking. “My daughter has actually said she will quit her job and go on social assistance just so she can’t afford to pay me rent,” she said.

The revelation triggered a deluge of comments. A user suggested: “I would say it is time to tell your daughter if she can’t pay you rent/shared expenses money, then it is time for her to move out. Maybe she needs to learn how living on her own costs to appreciate what you have been providing or what a great deal $100/week is. She is an adult. You shouldn’t be subsidising her to your detriment.”

Echoing the sentiment, another remarked: “Honestly, I think it would be best for everyone if Emma moved out. Give her a 30 or 60 day notice. She desperately needs to experience real life.”

A third was quick to criticise the daughter’s approach: “Also, threatening to apply for assistance under false presences. (She has a job, quitting out of spite) that’s super gross! That’s potentially taking money from people that actually need it.”

Another commentator highlighted potential future pitfalls of Emma’s plan: “What happens if she, let’s say, goes on assistance for 6 months…then goes looking for a job and is asked why she’s not worked for that time period. ‘Oh, I didn’t want to pay my mother rent/room and board… so I quit my job to spite her.'”.

Many others labelled her “entitled”, stunned by her plan to avoid chipping in with rent and living costs.