The Met Office has issued a rare red warning as it urged people to stay indoors ahead of Storm Eowyn.

The warning issued for Northern Ireland and Scotland has suggested very dangerous conditions with widespread disruption.

It comes as all of the UK is set to be battered by the storm, with yellow and amber warnings issued across the country.

The Northern Ireland warning will be in effect from 7am until 2pm on Friday, with an amber warning will also be in place from 6am until 9pm.

u200bThe alert has been expanded to include Scotland

The alert has been expanded to include central Scotland

Met Office

The red warning is in place for Scotland and Northern Ireland

Met Office

A Met Office spokesman said: “Very strong winds associated with Storm Eowyn causing very dangerous conditions with widespread disruption and significant impacts expected.”

The forecaster warned of flying debris resulting in danger to life as well as large waves and beach material being thrown onto coastal roads, sea fronts and homes.

Roads, bridges and railway lines are likely to be closed, with delays and cancellations to bus, train, ferry services and flights between Northern Ireland and Scotland and England.

There is also likely to be damage to buildings and homes, with roofs blown off and electricity lines brought down, with the Met Office advising people to prepare for possible power cuts.

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