The political left has lost its monopoly on women’s liberation. There’s no denying it any longer: the right is now the de facto champion of women’s rights.
This has been steadily more evident for years, but the moment President Donald Trump placed pen to page on his Jan. 20 executive order, written by his deputy assistant, May Mailman, “Defending Women from Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government,” it became undeniable. In western nations, if you care about women, you must look to your right. The left betrayed us all — and it’s an audacious lie to pretend otherwise.
From Trump’s glorious order: “Efforts to eradicate the biological reality of sex fundamentally attack women by depriving them of their dignity, safety, and well-being … Invalidating the true and biological category of ‘woman’ improperly transforms laws and policies designed to protect sex-based opportunities into laws and policies that undermine them, replacing longstanding, cherished legal rights and values with an identity-based, inchoate social concept.”
And who has made these efforts to eradicate our biological reality? To deprive us of our safety and dignity? It was the left.
It was the left that introduced legislation and policies to effectively erase any coherent legal definition of “woman” in law. They conflated being female with “feeling like” being a female, enabling those with claims — no matter how spurious — to a metaphysical and female “gender identity” to usurp our cardinal rights. It was the left that, to this day, descends into rapturous and ecstatic applause when males — identifying as women — steal our titles and awards, or infiltrate our rape and domestic violence shelters. These same cheerleaders would gleefully lock your sister in a prison cell with a convicted male rapist. And they have.
It is also the censorious left — whether citizens, politicians, lawyers, educators, or bureaucrats — who have viciously and earnestly attempted to destroy the lives of women who have dared to challenge their misogynistic, female-erasing agenda.
It is at this juncture when I can hear a chorus of browbeaten women, desperately moored to the political parties that would gaily drown them as witches, telling me that the right would demolish women’s reproductive rights.
Here’s what I say to that: shame on those who’ve shamed women into leftist fealty for the mere fact that their side of the political spectrum is unrepentantly pro-choice. Women must stop clinging to the promise of unrestricted abortion as the sole determinant of what makes a politician or party “feminist.” It is not.
It’s true that Trump, in his previous presidency, appointed three supreme court justices that went on to overturn America’s historic Roe v. Wade ruling, which had legalized abortion across the country, leaving each state with the discretion to create (or not) their own abortion legislation. It had been Trump’s campaign promise to overturn the ruling, but Trump has since declared he would veto any nation-wide ban on abortion. I will also point out that Canada is not the U.S., and that we do not have any legislation restricting abortion.
Simply listening to an anti-abortion advocate speak will not immediately presage a Handmaid’s Tale era in Canada. Meanwhile, promises of limitless abortions are nothing more than a distraction tactic used by snake oil selling politicians. Particularly in Canada, where no conservative politician would dream of tanking their political career by introducing abortion legislation.
Too many have been duped by the left into believing that abortion access is both the paramount and most tenuous right western women have — perennially on the verge of being taken away. Never mind the horrific manner in which those eternally promising not to take away this singular right have gone ahead and crucified all the rest. Hoodwinkers, all of them.
There is far more to being a liberated woman than having easy, guaranteed access to pregnancy termination. Stop allowing the left to dangle the issue like a carrot on a stick, while they strip us women of every sex-based right we have ever fought for and won. Stop giving credence to those on the left side of the political spectrum who’ve consistently broken faith with women.
Say what you will about Donald Trump. I am not fond of the man myself — nor would I have ever expected him to liberate American women from gender tyranny. This is not about Trump, though. It’s solely about coming to terms with the left wing’s utter — and yet unrepentant — disloyalty to women.
It is time to look to the right.
National Post