McDonald’s is a favourite with many fast food fans around the world. Globally, the chain has McDonald’s has tens of thousands of restaurants across 118 countries and territories, serving more than 69 million people every single day.

Here in the UK the place with the golden arches is known for its burgers, fries and McFlurries, but menus can vary significantly in other countries. For example, in Indonesia, you can order fried chicken with rice and fruit tea, while, in Mexico, McDonald’s diners can purchase a sausage burrito.

Another bold change seen in many countries with McDonald’s restaurants is that they serve beer. This is the case for places such as Germany, France, and South Korea – so why not the UK?

In a move to clarify, McDonald’s explains this on its website. While many adults in the UK enjoy a beer with a meal, McDonald’s has said serving alcohol “doesn’t fit” with its UK offering.

A McDonald’s statement reads: “Although a number of European McDonald’s markets serve alcoholic beverages as part of their menu, it’s not something that fits with the family-friendly focus of our restaurants in the U.K.

“There also isn’t huge customer demand for it.” So now you know.