A skincare guru has revealed the five blunders you might be making this winter and how to rectify them.

Jamie Nicole, a TikTok influencer with over 600,000 followers, shared some tips she wishes she knew earlier, informing her fans about how to care for their skin during the colder months.

In a video posted on the social media platform, Jamie listed the five things people “need to know about winter skincare before it’s too late.” Everything from skin type to the products you use can impact your skin during the colder months, when weather conditions and the environment can shift rapidly. Being ready for that is crucial, according to Jamie.

Her initial piece of advice was to “pay attention to your skin type” and “change your routine”. Jamie explains: “Your skin type can literally change based on weather and environment. In the summer, my skin is very normal and doesn’t require much maintenance but when it’s the winter time, I have severely dry skin.”

“Be mindful of that and know your skincare routine might need some major changes as we’re approaching winter.” Another tip related to how hydration affects your skin, and the possibility that thicker face creams may not be necessary if you’re drinking enough water.

Jamie stated: “I think the biggest mistake that we make is that our skin is drying out and we need to hydrate it, and then we end up clogging our pores.

“This has happened to me and instead of getting a very heavy moisturiser, try relying more on serums like hyaluronic acid, and looking for lightweight moisturisers.” She recommended products that can “plump and hydrate skin”.

She also highlighted the importance of brightening ingredients to prevent blemishes from “standing out more”. Jamie shared further: “In the wintertime, blemishes, acne scars, hyperpigmentation, all tends to stand out much more because we lose our tan from the summer.

“So if you haven’t already, try incorporating some brightening ingredients. Of course, I’m always doing my turmeric mask two to three times a week to keep my skin tone even. For skincare, I would definitely get vitamins, niacinamide.”

She also emphasised the significance of hydration, advising not to “underestimate” it. “Don’t underestimate the importance of drinking so much water. In the summer I always have water, obviously. In the winter, make the effort because drinking water hydrates your skin.”

Lastly, Jamie suggested exploring natural skincare remedies: “If you haven’t already, I know you’re spending more time inside in the winter, so take the time to dive into natural skincare. There’s so many good natural hydrating masks you can make. Flaxseed gel, the rice seed mask, oats and honey, the list goes on.”