Boosting your gut health could be as simple as adding a certain fruit to your diet.

If you’re on a mission to enhance your overall well-being this year, it’s crucial to focus on maintaining a healthy diet as much as physical fitness. Following a balanced diet is well-known to be beneficial, and ensuring your gut is in good shape is equally vital.

Compromised gut health can lead to a host of digestive problems, including bloating, constipation, heartburn, and nausea. It doesn’t stop there; poor gut health can also affect sleep, leading to fatigue; influence mood changes such as anxiety and depression; provoke skin issues like rashes; and even trigger migraines.

Consuming the right foods is key to nurturing your gut health, and one doctor has suggested that a particular fruit is especially effective for your digestive system, aiding in reducing bloating and easing constipation.

In a TikTok video, Doctor Karan Rajan highlighted four foods he advises for better gut health, with a surprising fruit topping his list: the kiwi.

He explained: “First is one of my all-time favourites, and it’s been shown in research studies to be as effective as psyllium husk and prunes to improve the symptoms of bloating and constipation – it’s the humble kiwi. Kiwi is particularly rich in soluble fibre, which promotes softer stools and increases stool frequency without the associated side effects of some laxatives.”

HealthLine reports that kiwis are packed with both soluble and insoluble fibre, which are beneficial for our digestive system. The soluble fibre can help regulate blood sugar levels and promote heart health, while the insoluble fibre aids in maintaining regular bowel movements.

Moreover, this fruit is rich in vitamin C, which bolsters the immune system. In his video, Dr Raj also pointed out other dietary additions that can enhance gut health, including coffee.

He explained that coffee has been associated with a lower risk of fatty liver disease and the onset of liver cirrhosis, due to its “double whammy” of soluble fibres and polyphenols. These act as prebiotics, nourishing good gut bacteria.

Both caffeinated and decaf coffee offer the same health benefits, so if you’re concerned about your caffeine consumption, you can switch to decaf. The doctor further suggested incorporating mixed nuts like almonds, walnuts, and pistachios into your diet, along with something that is “loved by every GI surgeon, doctor, or dietician” – yoghurt.

He stated: “Look for yoghurt containing active cultures like lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, which can help to add to your good microbial load. Yoghurt has been shown to alleviate symptoms of IBS and can even improve lactose digestion in those who are lactose intolerant.”

Viewers of the video expressed their gratitude to Dr Raj for his advice, with numerous individuals admitting they were previously unaware that certain foods he mentioned could benefit gut health. One viewer commented: “Thank you! I always felt guilty after drinking coffee, and now I don’t have to.” Another added: “Great tips! Eating for a healthy gut makes all the difference.”