A lack of vitamin B12 could manifest in several symptoms, including one lesser-known sign in your feet. This vital nutrient is usually obtained by consuming eggs, beef, chicken, and cheese and is reabsorbed through the digestive system.

The significance of B vitamins lies in their role in aiding wound recovery—as they are crucial for generating red blood cells that ensure oxygen circulation throughout the body—a process essential for maintaining good eyesight, robust immunity, efficient protein absorption, DNA synthesis, and creation of red blood cells.

One expert has stressed that a vitamin B12 shortage can hinder wound healing in various ways. A critical protein named intrinsic factor (IF) produced in the stomach binds with vitamin B12 to prevent its loss during digestion.

However, without sufficient IF—which might not be produced adequately if the immune system targets stomach cells—vitamin B12 cannot be effectively absorbed.

The University of Nottingham expert highlighted that “lack of vitamin B can affect wound healing in a number of ways”, particularly concerning feet health. If tingling sensations in the feet occur, it’s recommended to see a GP, reports the Liverpool Echo.

Depending on the severity, doctors may suggest high-dose vitamin B12 supplements, or even weekly injections, to manage the deficiency. It’s imperative to address any shortfall of vitamin B12, given that neglect could lead to serious neurological issues and blood disorders.

Harvard Medical School warns: “Vitamin B12 deficiency can be slow to develop, causing symptoms to appear gradually and intensify over time.” They also noted that a lack of vitamin B12 “might also occur following weight-loss surgery too.”

Overuse of heartburn medication can lead to reduced stomach acid production, which is crucial for the absorption of vitamin B12, potentially leading to a deficiency. Vitamin B12 supplements are available for purchase online, in pharmacies, or can be prescribed by a doctor.