A 30-year-old woman has sparked controversy after having her neighbour’s car towed from her driveway following months of unauthorised parking.

The incident occurred after multiple requests for the neighbour, identified only as Linda, to stop using the driveway went unheeded.

The homeowner took decisive action when she found herself blocked in ahead of an important appointment, leading to accusations of being “petty” and “vindictive” from her aggrieved neighbour.

The dispute has since created tension in the neighbourhood, with some residents suggesting the woman’s response was excessive.

Tow truck (Stock)

She contacted a towing company to remove the vehicle from her property (Stock)


According to the woman’s account, she discovered Linda’s car blocking her driveway early one morning when she needed to leave for an appointment, when her husband had already left for work, leaving her unable to move her vehicle.

She attempted to resolve the situation by knocking on Linda’s door and waiting for approximately 15 minutes, but received no response, even calling Linda’s phone which went to voicemail.

Finally, she contacted a towing company to remove the vehicle from her property.

In a complete state of utter fury, Linda eventually emerged from her house upon seeing the tow truck arrive.


Linda confronted the woman, branding her actions as “petty” while she was forced to pay the towing fee.

“I calmly reminded her that I’d asked her multiple times to stop parking in my driveway, but she wasn’t having it,” the woman reported.

Following the incident, Linda began telling other neighbours that the woman was a “vindictive control freak”, as several neighbours sided with Linda, suggesting the woman’s response had gone too far.

The dispute has created lasting tension in the neighbourhood, with Linda remaining “absolutely livid” about the incident.

Residential street (Stock)

The dispute has created lasting tension in the neighbourhood, with Linda remaining “absolutely livid” about the incident (Stock)


Online commenters on Reddit strongly defended the woman’s actions, offering a markedly different perspective from local neighbours, with one user suggesting: “Just tell the neighbours that you will inform Linda she is allowed to park in their driveway.”

Another described the situation as “gaslighting,” arguing that the woman “has gone above and beyond trying to solve the problem and this neighbour left her with no choice.”

“Seems like you DID try to resolve the conflict before escalating. Justified,” wrote a third supporter.

Consequently, while the woman’s husband and several neighbours questioned her approach, online commenters unanimously supported her decision to have the vehicle towed.