Full-time GP and regular ITV star Dr Amir Khan issued a new health update on Tuesday after “lots of” fans asked him to. The NHS worker, known for featuring on shows such as Lorraine and Good Morning Britain, has taken to Instagram to share a new video.
Dr Amir spoke to the camera as he discussed premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). He told his many followers: “Now you may have heard of PMS or premenstrual syndrome, a combination of symptoms that usually come on before your period, including bloating, fatigue, irritability, cramps, breast tenderness, cravings, amongst others.”
PMDD, he went on to say, is a “severe and potentially debilitating form of PMS”. Along with all the usual PMS symptoms, the doctor continued, “you also get a more severe range of physical and mental health symptoms in the run up to your period. These include, but are not limited to, acne, back pain, headaches, palpitations and muscle aches.”
Mood swings, feelings of hopelessness, brain fog, and pain attacks, depression, and suicidal thoughts, and feeling tense or angry, are how PMDD manifests mentally, Dr Amir added. He then explained that it is not known exactly what causes PMDD “but it is likely to be due to fluctuating levels of oestrogen and progesterone, and their effect on serotonin”.
People are diagnosed based on symptoms, and the ruling out of other things. Treatment can involve dietary, sleep and exercise changes, as well as talking therapies, antidepressants, hormonal treatment, and pain relief, Dr Amir explained.
Captioning the post, Dr Amir said: “PMDD is a a chronic health condition that causes severe emotional, cognitive, and physical symptoms in the week or two before menstruation. Lots of you have asked for me to cover this. Hope it’s useful x”.
Fans have rushed to thank the TV GP in the comments section, as one wrote: “Thank you for highlighting this I recently got diagnosed with and have been a suffering since I was a teenager.” A second said: “Thank you so much for covering this!” and a third said: “This is me. Thank you for highlighting this”.