The Kneecap film has been named Best British Independent Film at the British Independent Film Awards (BIFA). This was one of many awards the film received at the BIFAs including Best Joint Lead Performance, Best Debut Screenwriter, Best Editing, Best Casting, Best Music Supervision and Best Original Music.

The latest awards come on the back of the High Court in Belfast ruling the previous government unlawfully denied Kneecap £14,250 in funding.

Mr Justice Scoffield confirmed the decision to block the grant to the west Belfast rappers was procedurally unfair and took into account immaterial considerations.

He ordered a Westminster department to make an ex-gratia payment of £14,250 to the band.

Kneecap split the money awarded to them between two Belfast charities, Glór Na Móna in Ballymurphy and RCity Belfast on the Shankill Road.

The Kneecap film sees all three rappers play themselves in debut acting roles, alongside actor of international renown Michael Fassbender.

Set in west Belfast in 2019, when fate brings Belfast schoolteacher JJ into the orbit of Naoise and Liam Óg, the needle drops on a hip hop act like no other. Rapping in their native Irish language, the trio create their own genre of Irish punk rap, melding the Irish and English language with electrifying energy.

During the film Kneecap ultimately become the unlikely figureheads of a civil rights movement to save their mother tongue, upending preconceptions about language and place and spearheading a cultural revival and interest from their legions of young followers.

The film has made more than €1m at the Irish box office.