Re: ‘Med schools shouldn’t lower standards for diversity’ (Brian Lilley, Nov. 1): Lilley complains about lowering admission standards at TMU’s new medical school to accommodate anyone who’s not white. Any sane person would agree with this point of view. What I don’t agree with is him spelling the word “black” with a capital “B,” while spelling “white” in lower case. Both are adjectives. Why does he feel the need to elevate black people above whites? Isn’t this part of what got us here in the first place? This needs to stop, if we are ever going to agree that all people are equal.

Rick Mailloux                                                                                                                                                      Windsor

(You raise a fair point)


Re: ‘Med schools shouldn’t lower standards for diversity’ (Brian Lilley, Nov. 1): Canadian medical schools have been blocking positions for foreign students who pay more tuition, thereby forcing some Canadian medical student to go abroad. Using DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) in selecting students for medical schools definitely is a step much too far. Who would want someone as a doctor who only got into medical school because they checked certain boxes? Selection and promotion using DEI has produced the weakest federal cabinet in history! Use of DEI has caused division, inequity and exclusion in every federal department and has caused major hiring problems for both the RCMP and Canadian military. Let’s get back to basing selection and promotion on actual qualifications and merit and not simply DEI box-checking!

Larry Comeau                                                                                                                                                Ottawa

(This is such a bad idea, and it needs to be reversed immediately)


Re: ‘Med schools shouldn’t lower standards for diversity’ (Brian Lilley, Nov. 1): The was excellent but saddening since even our “woke” universities are now lowering their standards to promote so-called “diversity!” What a cop out! The word should actually be spelled “discrimination.” If I ever need any kind of surgery in the future I will absolutely ask about the background education of the person who would wield the knife before allowing them to so much as even touch me.

Roger Lewismn                                                                                                                                           Brampton

(That’s what it will come to – checking the credentials before seeing a doctor)


Re: ‘Med schools shouldn’t lower standards for diversity’ (Brian Lilley, Nov. 1): As a Muslim, I’m deeply offended by TMU’s decision to lower the grade expectations because of DEI. My family has always taught us that if you can’t do something, try harder and not to assume you get something just because of the colour of your skin or your ethnicity. Seven years from now, are we going to be blaming patients for asking DEI people what institute did they graduate from? Will that be seen as racist, or will it be seen as what it is — fear that someone unqualified is practising medicine. Or, even if they’re just barely qualified, they’re not as good as some of the people who were rejected. I want the best physicians for my family based on merit and qualifications, not on a quota system for DEI.

Farouk Mohammed                                                                                                                                          Ajax

(Well put. How did TMU come up with this idea?)