An expert has shared the best time to run your dishwasher in a bid to save money on energy bills – and it also helps to avoid vampire energy.

Vampire energy refers to the power electronics use when on standby. Expert Llewellyn Kinch from MakeMyHouseGreen has shared his insights on slashing energy bills by targeting your appliances.

“Simple adjustments, like shifting your dishwasher usage to off-peak hours and using eco mode, can have a real impact on your energy bill,” he said.

He emphasised the significance of minor changes during the high-energy winter months, noting: “During winter, when energy consumption is typically at its highest, every little change helps. Appliances like dishwashers, washing machines and dryers tend to use significant energy, especially when run during peak hours. This is also known as vampire energy.”

Regarding optimal dishwasher usage times, Kinch recommended steering clear of peak demand hours when energy costs soar. He suggests late evening or night, particularly after 10pm, as an ideal time to run the dishwasher, capitalising on the drop in electricity demand, reports the Express.

Kinch highlighted the economic benefits of using appliances in off-peak times, explaining: “By making a conscious effort to use these devices during off-peak periods you can benefit from reduced electricity rates if you’re on a Time-of-Use (TOU) tariff.”

Family doing chores together in the kitchen
Avoid using the dishwasher at this time (Image: (Image: Getty))

Stressing the importance of efficiency, he continued: “It’s equally important to focus on maximising the efficiency of appliances. For example, running your dishwasher on eco mode can lower the water temperature and reduce energy consumption. These small, mindful adjustments add up over time and can make such a difference to your energy bills.”

Numerous energy suppliers across the UK are offering Time-of-Use (TOU) tariffs which can mean lower energy prices late at night, presenting an opportune moment to run energy-hungry devices. .

For the early birds who like to get chores out of the way, the period before 7am is also considered off-peak, meaning running your dishwasher then can help dodge the morning energy surge and cut costs.

Senior Couple Reviewing Energy Bill On Laptop At Home
Check the provider’s monthly bills to see when the peak hours are (Image: (Image: Getty))

It’s wise to stay clear of using high-energy appliances between 4pm to 9pm when energy prices typically soar as households engage in activities like cooking dinner and watching TV.

Kinch has shared a handy tip: “Using your dishwasher during off-peak hours can result in substantial savings over time.”

Highlighting the cost-saving opportunities, Kinch noted, “Many energy providers in the UK have peak pricing structures, so if you’re using your appliances during those high-demand times, you could be paying far more than you need to.”

Customers should ensure they check their specific provider’s off-peak schedule as these can vary — this information can normally be found on the provider’s website or by reviewing monthly bills.