When we turn back our clocks, does this apply to the Doomsday Clock?

Terry Toll
Campbell’s Bay, Que.

(No it doesn’t)


Re “Not falling for it again” (Jane Stevenson, Oct. 31): We can eat and drink to excess, text and drive too fast at the same time, go to bed at varying hours every night, get little to no exercise, and travel to our desired vacation destinations several times zones away with little or no concern about any health effects because it’s something we want to do. But change the darn clock twice a year and that’s made out to be the ruination of mankind.

Don Ruttan

(We should be used to this conversation happening twice a year. The arguments in favour and against the time change remain the same)


Re “Tory bribe money?” (Brian Lilley, Oct. 30): First of all, I am not a Conservative. I cannot comprehend the fuss that is being generated about this refund of our money. The opposition is squawking that it’s bribery, some people are saying it could be better spent. The fact is we are able to spend our rebate on anything. Those who have need can use the money to ease their situation, and as a comfortable senior I can donate it to the charity of my choice without it going into the slush of a government program. If this money was administered by a government body, probably more than half would be used to pay that body. This is the first time in my 76 years that the government has let me make the decision, and I applaud it.

Robert Brownlie

(Millions of Ontarians agree with you)


Beware people of Ontario. The latest time a Liberal leader told us no new taxes, the first thing he did when he got in power was raise our taxes and tried to call it by a new name. Liberals love to tax us.

Terry Dolby


(Tax and spend – it’s the Liberal. At least in part that will change after the next federal election)