Our prime minister would have us believe that he’s undergone some sort of a conversion when it comes to our broken immigration system. The gross understatement in his recent announcement to lower immigration numbers has to be, “We didn’t get the balance quite right.” No kidding! He can’t ‘unring the bell’ and the fallout from the mismanagement of the immigration file will continue to have a ripple effect for the foreseeable future. We simply do not have the infrastructure (health care, housing, social services, education etc.) with the numbers recently arriving to provide the services and supports immigrants new to our country need and deserve. A common-sense approach would seem to factor in available infrastructure with immigration rates. Further, given Trudeau’s recent trials and tribulations, one might be excused of a dose of skepticism when it comes to the announcement regarding immigration numbers.

Dennis Tschirhart


(Yet another thing Trudeau made a mess of. The Liberals did not think their policies through and gave no consideration to what the impact would be to our infrastructure and health care system)


Mark Holland said he’s worried about what Pierre Poilievre may do to Canada when he becomes our next prime minister. By the looks of the polls, voters appear to be worried about what Trudeau, Holland, and the Liberals have already done to Canada, which is ruined the country. But Holland need not worry because Poilievre is going to fix everything the Liberals have broken. It will take time to clean up Trudeau’s mess, but Poilievre looks to be the man who can do it. Mark should be worried about where his next job is going to come from.

L. Thomas

(The sooner we can send the current government to the dust bin of history the better off we will be immediately)


And Canadians complain about Trump. This latest con and deception trick by the Liberals in Canada, the supposed attempt to oust the prime minister, is all smoke and mirrors. Engineered by nothing less than a drama teacher! Well played, Justin. Liberal voters are such suckers and fools. We are doomed if they don’t come to their senses.

Bill Sholdice

(Canadians want change and it appears there is little to be done to alter that fact)