It’s an age-old argument among Brits. Just how long should you brew your tea to achieve the perfect cup? According to one expert, it’s all about two things – time and temperature – and finding the sweet spot between them.

Arthur Gautier, of Nio Teas, said: “Each type of tea needs to be brewed using its own distinct method to bring out its best flavours.”

However, it’s also about what sort of tea you prefer. To help lovers of a good brew understand how to brew each tea just right, Arthur has explained the origins and correct brewing methods for each type of tea. From black to white, oolong to green, you’ll be a tea master in no time.

Black Tea: bold and classic

Black tea is the most oxidised of all the teas, which gives it its distinctive dark colour and strong flavour. The oxidation process deepens the tea’s colour and enhances its bold, brisk taste.

Originating in China, black tea has since spread to regions like India, Sri Lanka, and Kenya, with each country offering its own unique varieties, like Darjeeling, Assam, and Ceylon. Depending on where it’s grown, black tea can range in taste from malty and earthy to fruity and floral. It also has the highest amount of caffeine among the traditional teas, making it a popular choice for mornings.

How to make the perfect brew

  • Water temperature: 200-212°F / 93-100°C (bring to a rolling boil)

  • Steep (brewing in water) time: 3-5 minutes

  • Pro tip: For a richer flavour, don’t rush the steep. “However, longer steeping adds more caffeine and can turn the tea bitter, so experiment to find your sweet spot,” Arthur suggests.

Green Tea: fresh and grassy

Green tea is beloved for its fresh, clean flavours, which come from minimal oxidation. The leaves are typically steamed or pan-fired right after harvest to stop the oxidation process, preserving the vibrant green colour and delicate taste.

“The flavour can range from sweet and floral to slightly grassy or even nutty, with Chinese and Japanese varieties each offering distinct profiles,” says Arthur. “Sencha, Dragonwell, and Matcha are some popular green tea types, with Matcha standing out as a powdered version of the whole leaf.”

How to make the perfect brew

  • Water temperature: 160-180°F / 71-82°C. The water should be simmering, not boiling.

  • Steep time: 2-3 minutes

  • Pro tip: Green tea turns bitter if brewed too hot or too long. Start with a shorter steep and cooler water for that perfect smooth sip.

White Tea: delicate and floral

White tea is the least processed of all teas. It is made from the youngest tea leaves and buds that are only dried without rolling or oxidation. This minimal processing results in a light, delicate, and naturally sweet tea, often with a floral or honey-like aroma.

Originating from China, particularly the Fujian province, white tea is known for its subtlety and elegance. Silver Needle and White Peony are popular varieties, with flavours varying from fresh and crisp to slightly fruity or woody. White tea also contains the least amount of caffeine, making it perfect for drinking all day.

How to make the perfect brew

  • Water temperature: 160-170°F / 82-93°C (let the water cool slightly after boiling)

  • Steep time: 4-5 minutes

  • Pro tip: “White tea is quite forgiving!” Arthur says. “You can steep it longer without the bitterness creeping in, allowing for a mild, naturally sweet brew.”

Oolong Tea: a balance Of light and dark

Oolong tea is a semi-oxidised tea, falling somewhere between green and black tea in terms of how it’s processed. Its oxidation level can vary widely, leading to an incredible range of flavours from light and floral to dark and roasted.

Traditionally grown in China and Taiwan, oolong teas are meticulously crafted through a process that includes withering, shaking, and partial oxidation, followed by rolling and drying. This creates complex flavour profiles that can include floral, fruity, or nutty notes. Popular varieties include Tieguanyin (Iron Goddess of Mercy) and Da Hong Pao (Big Red Robe). Oolong is often described as the most “complex” tea, making it a favourite for multiple infusions.

How to make the perfect brew

  • Water temperature: 180-200°F / 76-82°C (a little cooler than black tea)

  • Steep time: 3-5 minutes

  • Pro tip: Oolong’s complex flavours develop over multiple short steeps, so don’t stop after one! Try re-steeping for a deeper, more layered taste.

Yellow Tea: the rare gem

Yellow tea is a rare and highly prized tea, produced mainly in China. It’s similar to green tea in that it undergoes minimal oxidation, but what sets it apart is the slow “yellowing” process. After the leaves are lightly fired, they are wrapped and allowed to oxidise slightly, which mellows out the grassy notes found in green tea and adds a smooth, sweet flavour.

“Yellow tea is incredibly smooth, with fruity or floral undertones that are subtle and refined,” says Arthur. “Because of its rarity and the labour-intensive process needed to make it, yellow tea is often considered a special treat for tea aficionados.”

How to make the perfect brew

  • Water temperature: 170-180°F

  • Steep time: 3-4 minutes

  • Pro tip: Yellow tea is gentle on the palate, so experiment with shorter or longer steeps to find your ideal balance of mellow and fruity.

Pu-erh Tea: rich and earthy

Pu-erh tea is a fermented tea from the Yunnan province of China. Unlike other teas, pu-erh undergoes microbial fermentation and ageing after it’s been processed, giving it a unique, deep, earthy flavour.

Pu-erh can be categorised into two types: raw (sheng) and ripe (shou). Raw pu-erh is aged naturally over years or even decades, while ripe pu-erh undergoes a faster fermentation process to mimic the ageing of raw pu-erh in half the time. The tea’s flavours can range from earthy and rich to smooth and slightly sweet.

How to make the perfect brew

  • Water temperature: 195-205°F / 90-96°C

  • Steep time: 2-3 minutes

  • Pro tip: Like oolong, pu-erh can be re-steeped several times. Each steep reveals a new layer of flavour, from earthy to fruity, so don’t throw those leaves out too quickly!

Arthur said: “Tea doesn’t just taste great; it can have amazing health benefits when brewed right. Each type brings something unique to the table. Take black tea, for instance – it’s rich in antioxidants that support heart health and its natural high caffeine gives you a nice, steady lift without the jitters you might get from coffee.

“Green tea is also famous for its antioxidant punch, especially EGCG, which has been linked to everything from boosting metabolism to promoting healthy skin. Then there’s white tea—it’s super gentle, but don’t let that fool you. It’s loaded with polyphenols, which can help protect your cells from damage.

“Oolong tea’s a bit of a multi-tasker, helping with digestion, weight management, and stress relief. And let’s not forget pu-erh! It’s known for aiding digestion and is often enjoyed after meals in China.”