We begin by talking about the American elections. After all, November 5, Election Day, is now not very far away.

Now you might have thought that the complaint about the advert that went out for Labour staffers to go to America, you might have thought that that argument had gone away, but it hasn’t, of course.

Because it turns out the top Labour officials not only went to the Democrat convention, but that it was paid for by the Labour Party.

And a couple of photographs appeared of President Biden earlier this year, but still within the election period with Labour MPs.

Nigel Farage

Nigel Farage defended Donald Trump following Kamala Harris’s most recent attack

GB News

Is this unnecessary interference? Do the Trump campaign have a point? What does it do to Britain’s relations with the USA?

But far more important than that is if you look at the polls, if you look at the betting markets, it would appear that over the course of the last couple of weeks, something of a change has happened.

Now I learned today that a French financial markets trader has bet $45million on Trump to win.

So it could be that the markets are not reflecting reality, just the sheer waste of money that’s gone on Trump is giving us this impression. I don’t know the answer to that anymore than you do.

But have a look at Kamala Harris today talking about Donald Trump: “It’s deeply troubling and incredibly dangerous that Donald Trump would invoke Adolf Hitler, the man who is responsible for the deaths of six million Jews and hundreds of thousands of Americans. All of this is further evidence for the American people of who Donald Trump really is.”

And this was followed up by a tweet and a really, very, very strong tweet. In fact, one that some people think actually perhaps was even insightful.

Kamala Harris said: “Donald Trump is out for unchecked power. He wants a military like Adolf Hitler had, who will be loyal to him, not our Constitution. He is unhinged, unstable, and given a second term, there will be no one to stop him from pursuing his worst impulses.”

Well, folks, let’s be straight about this. Trump also throws back insults. You know, he says that Harris isn’t very intelligent, etc. It’s an election. It’s a rough old game.

All right, somebody who worked in Trump’s office said that Trump had said that Hitler’s guards were loyal to him. But you know what? People coming in late on trains to London often joked that Mussolini ran the trains on time.

I wonder, is Trump winning this election?

Is that why he got that kind of reaction from Kamala Harris who, when she first took over the candidacy, appeared to be very relaxed and very laid back?