A parkour expert filmed himself ‘swiping’ SIX mobiles worth £3,500 just 40 seconds – to prove how quickly thieves can steal your phone Adam Marr’s bodycam footage shows him grabbing a phone from the grasp of a sitting pedestrian in Manchester city centre.

He then jumps over a bench to nab another. A second clip shows the 31-year-old snatch one from a skateboarding child before vaulting over steps and taking a fourth.

Two more show him leap over canals to evade a pursuing victim and then fashion a quick getaway from another to finish the clip within 40 seconds. Adam, who has been free running for 16 years, says he made the video after reading a Met Police report that a phone was stolen every six minutes during 2022 in London.

He enlisted friends as actors and filmed the dramatic scenes that he says demonstrate how easily he could steal £3,500 worth of tech. The content creator’s video has been viewed by more than 12,000 stunned users. Some of them even believed the video was footage of real thefts.

Adam Marr pictured after filming his video
Adam Marr pictured after filming his video (Image: Kennedy News/Adam Marr)

Adam from Salford, Greater Manchester, said: “I saw that one phone is stolen every six minutes in the UK so I tried to do it in one video. “It shows how easy it is for someone to just come over and snatch your phone and I could do that for real.

“Some people hated the video because it looks like it’s promoting crime. It took about 10 attempts because I wanted people in the shot at the right time and some lad even shouted at me thinking I’d robbed a phone.”

Adam’s video garnered hundreds of reactions on Facebook and promotes pedestrians using a wrist strap to stop thieves swiping their phones.

Adam Marr showed how easily phones can be stolen in his video (Image: Kennedy News/Adam Marr)

One commented: “He’s just showing how easy it is for us to lose them. I’m guessing no phones were lost during the making of this film.”

However, one said: “Gonna go jail, you are.” Another replied: “It isn’t a crime to pay actors to have their phones robbed.”