An investigation has been launched after the official portrait of a former DUP Lord Mayor of Belfast was damaged during an event at the weekend.

The painting of peer Lord Browne was on display at Belfast City Hall.

The DUP said the portrait was removed from a wall and the glass in its frame smashed.

The incident happened following an event on Saturday evening to celebrate an Irish language group’s 20th anniversary.

In a social media post, Glor na Mona said they were “extremely disappointed” about the incident and would assist the council with its investigation.

The post said: “Following the formal end of our event, a portrait within City Hall was damaged.

“Glor na Mona had no knowledge of this taking place and only became aware of this on Monday October 21 when contacted by council staff.

“This is completely contrary to the ethos and principles of our organisation and the spirit of our successful anniversary celebratory event.”

A spokesperson for Belfast City Council said it hoped the necessary repairs would be carried out as soon as possible so the portrait can return to display.

They said: “The portrait of former Lord Mayor, Lord (Wallace) Browne of Belmont has been removed from public display after it was damaged over the weekend.

“We are currently assessing the extent of the damage and looking into the circumstances which led to the portrait being damaged.

“No further action has been taken at this time.”

Dean McCullough, the DUP’s deputy group leader on the council, said there had to be a “full and robust” investigation into the incident.

He added: “Following our initial request for an urgent update, it appears that a person or persons unknown removed the Lord Wallace Browne portrait from the wall and smashed the glass within the frame.

“I understand enquiries are ongoing into how this incident occurred – however, our party has called for a full and robust investigation.

“Let us be clear, we will not tolerate the portraits of upstanding public servants, and Democratic Unionists, being damaged in our City Hall.”

A PSNI spokesperson said the force had not received a report.

It comes just days after a portrait of former Belfast Lord Mayor Niall O Donnghaile was removed from City Hall after revelations that he had quit Sinn Fein last year after the party received complaints that he had sent inappropriate texts to a teenage party member.

The DUP has asked if the damage caused to Lord Browne’s painting is linked to the removal of Ms O Donnghaile’s portrait.