As one who voted NOT to sign up to the “Common Market” as it was in 1973 – I have watched with increasing frustration as almost all my fears manifested themselves.

Instead of a “trading agreement” of course it was the thin end of a wedge that aimed at creating a “United States of Europe” that would inevitably be ruled by Germany with the ever pliable France: when we had just finished fighting a war to prevent Germany ruling Europe!

Had our Government lost its senses? The only conclusion was “Yes”. Or was it just that Edward Heath’s huge ego had finally manifested itself? At least we stopped short of ditching our currency!

So – gradually we were drawn into the web woven mostly by Germany with a little help from France. The organisation morphed from a group of trading partners to a “Government”.

Laws were passed and we, who had not signed up to such an agreement, found ourselves adding those “laws” to our own. Being British we gold-plated each rule and law that the EU passed.

One could visit a street market in any European country and see fresh meat and charcuterie on sale on the same stall. Never in Britain! “They” made the laws and their people ignored them. We accepted their laws and then obeyed them. We prosecuted people for disobeying essentially alien laws.

To Britain the European laws on human rights were irrelevant. We already had good laws about how civilians should be treated. (I’m not going to get tangled up in laws regarding warfare!) What always irritated me was that, as with parliamentary laws, we added without first cancelling anything outdated.

So – we added the EU rules to our own perfectly adequate laws. I was by no means alone in seeing this as ludicrous and dangerous.

If a ruling in a British Court was deemed to be unacceptable; the complainant was now able to use “European” law to fight our own legal system: a system admired and emulated all over the world but clearly now deemed inadequate in its country of origin.


Subsequent governments who could have untangled the mess simply allowed more and more foreign rules to overrule our own laws.

So – finally we got out! Thanks be to Boris! As we all know, he was scuppered before he had a chance to finish the job and the cabal that saw him off clearly had no interest in removing the last vestiges of foreign power in this country.

So – we are still ensnared by the European “Human Rights” nonsense. It IS nonsense simply because it is not needed in this country and is used by those who could not achieve their ends using our totally fair and reasonable laws.

One assumes therefore that those needing recourse to EU rules do not have a case to bring in this country.

We have left the EU. We do not need their interference in running our country.

Surely there is nothing more to be said?