I disagree with Jerry Agar concerning his take on Mark Carney (“Can a Trudeau successor overcome the stink of Liberals?” Oct. 15). By taking on the advisory position paid for by the Liberal Party, Carney has associated himself with the Liberal Stink. He is supposed to be leading some sort of committee, but it is a committee of one — himself. He has no accountability for possible conflicts of interest and cannot be called before the ethics commissioner for investigation. Liberal Stink, yes indeed.

Vivienne Edwards

(It doesn’t appear Trudeau is going anywhere any time soon so the speculation may be all for not)


Gunshots fired again at a Jewish girls’ school — fortunately, no one was injured or killed. Mayor Chow takes immediate “action” and “urges the shooters to turn themselves in.” Another insult to Toronto’s Jewish community. She is a weak mayor incapable of addressing the demands of our city. She should resign.

Nick Lerway

(Chow has proven time and again she’s not a leader)


I have voted Tory my entire life but I just don’t blindly support the Conservative Party or leader if they don’t represent my ideals. I have never voted for Ford nor did I ever support the turncoat Erin O’Toole. My point is that people who just senselessly vote for someone without doing any due diligence or just basing it on fancy socks or looks are what I term a vacuous voter. We have suffered nine years of Trudeau and are paying the price.

Richard Roher


(A majority of Canadians are clamouring for a chance to dump the Trudeau Liberals)


Re “PBO report clearly shows Trudeau’s carbon tax costs you more” (Brian Lilley, Oct. 10): I was very happy to receive my family’s $450 carbon tax rebate this week as I have some bills to pay. The big one is for my home insurance, which went up $1,000 over last year because of the extreme weather in Alberta (hail and floods in Calgary, fires in Jasper). The cost of the carbon tax/climate action for me is way less than the cost I’m already paying for climate change.

Tracy Duncan

(You’re just the type of voter Trudeau needs)