Re “Revolving door of injustice” (Letters to the Editor, Oct. 13): Canada’s criminal justice system is supposed to be fair to everyone and ensure public safety. Instead, the current system is unfair and unbalanced, favouring the rights of criminals over those of law-abiding citizens. Criminals before the courts are routinely granted lax bail conditions and given light sentences by judges. This sends a message that offenders can commit violent crimes with relative impunity. Thus, there’s very little deterrence and public safety is endangered. Unsurprisingly, Statistics Canada reports that homicide numbers are now 33% higher than the 10-year average. The Trudeau government is responsible for this problem, since it sets the bail and sentencing guidelines for judges.

Claudio Ceolin                                                                                                                                             Toronto

(The Trudeau Liberals are too busy putting out fires from scandals they have created while the issue of bail — also of their making — goes ignored)


Re “Revolving door of injustice” (Letters to the Editor, Oct. 13): Sadly, Canada doesn’t have a justice system anymore, not since 2015 — we have a legal system. We no longer have a health-care system either — we have a medical system. We have got to prepare ourselves for the next change in governments — both above and below the 49th. It’s the U.S.A. that concerns me because no matter who wins, the other side will demonstrate and riot, and it’ll affect Canada in huge ways. Sad, sad, sad.

Mike Cederberg                                                                                                                                      Mississauga

(Canada needs a Conservative government to manage a new administration in the U.S. and to rehabilitate our reputation globally)


After seeing a Jewish school get shot up yet again, I feel that our governments are failing at their fundamental responsibility, which is keeping us safe. Whether it’s by our Armed Forces, police, or infrastructure, it’s all designed to keep us safe. And it’s all failing. Honk your horn too loud in Ottawa, they’ll seize your bank account and jail you. Call for the destruction of Canada, our allies and burn and destroy our flag, they’ll stand by and watch. No leaders, no leadership. Disgraceful.

Scott Boylan                                                                                                                                               Brampton

(It is a disgrace. Meanwhile, the Mayor of Toronto, Olivia Chow, couldn’t even find a moment to reflect with the Jewish community as they marked Oct. 7. Chow is an embarrassment)