A Frontier Airlines flight from San Diego to Las Vegas became the scene of a bizarre incident when a female passenger demanded the aircraft return to the gate after losing her phone.

The unnamed woman, captured in a viral TikTok video, made outlandish claims as she declared herself the President of the United States and a “sovereign ruler”.

The footage, which has garnered more than 400,000 views since Sunday, shows the distressed passenger shouting at a flight attendant and fellow travellers, alleging discrimination and making peculiar statements about her authority.

She shouted: “If I was white and in a suit, you would stop the f*****g plane.

Passenger shouting on a Frontier Airlines flightA Frontier Airlines flight from San Diego to Las Vegas became the scene of a bizarre incident when a female passenger demanded the aircraft return to the gate after losing her phoneTikTok

“I am the president of this whole god damn country.”

The woman then asserted ownership of “seven continents” and warned fellow passengers: “Keep laughing, watch your a*s be right on a boat.”

The passenger also accused Frontier Airlines of engaging in criminal activity, claiming she had witnessed illegal behaviour during her previous flights with the carrier over the past eight years.

The passenger’s accusations extended beyond the airline to her fellow travellers.


When other passengers began laughing at her claims, she warned: “We shipping people out just for a nice group of expedition.

“What comes around goes around, it’s time now.”

Continuing her tirade, the woman said: “Keep laughing watch what happens – you’ll be expired just like your battery on your watch.”

The woman later accused the flight attendant of lying and said their explanation was “a lie from the pit of hell”.

Woman on flight

The passenger accused Frontier Airlines of engaging in criminal activity, claiming she had witnessed illegal behaviour during her previous flights with the carrier over the past eight years


Throughout the incident, she demanded to know the flight attendant’s name and reiterated her self-proclaimed status as “an affirmed sovereign ruler here in the government”.

It is unknown whether the flight experienced any delays following the passenger’s disruptive behaviour.

GB News has contacted Frontier Airlines for comment.