Dick Strawbridge and Angel Adoree shared a sweet glimpse into their family life in their latest podcast episode.

A recent episode of Dick & Angel’s Chat…Eau saw the Escape to the Chateau stars reflecting on their week, and as well as all the updates on their life in France, they expressed their pride for their daughter Dorothy, 10.

During their conversation, the couple explained how Strawbridge, 65, who is a former army officer, had been away to visit the Royal Corps of Signals in Blandford, so hadn’t had much time to catch up with Adoree, 46, and their two children, Arthur, 11 and Dorothy.

“This is the first time I’d been back there for a very long time, and guess what? It had all changed,” he explained.

Adoree responded: “Oh had it? Just to put this into perspective, Dick got back last night.”

“We haven’t talked about it, yet. We thought we’d talk to you about it so I can chat to Angela about it!” Strawbridge joked.

Adoree continued: “To be honest, there’s been so much sort of happening at one time, Arthur wanted to tell you about stuff and so did Dorothy because when you were there, we hardly spoke, which is unusual because your reception was zero, and by the time you were finished, I was in bed. Our paths haven’t really crossed for like three days.”

Highlighting their usual close bond, Strawbridge replied: “That’s unusual because we usually chat a lot more than that.”

He went on to detail why he was feeling like a “proud daddy” as he shared one of the important updates he’d recently caught up on.

“By the way, my update for the children was all about how well they were doing. Very, very proud daddy,” he commented.

“Dorothy gets a D in her Geography, and being British [gasp] Dorothy got a D in her Geography! But no, a D in France is a pass which is above an A!

“She passed it, she went above and beyond what was expected of anybody.”

“Well you can’t get any higher than that and the fact she got it in Geography of which… I am definitely an English D in that,” Adoree quipped, adding: “Although I did get a C.”

“So I had to catch up with that, that was really important,” Strawbridge clarified.

The pair are usually beaming with pride over the children, with their previous featuring another anecdote about their daughter’s skills.

Dick, Arthur, Angel and Dorothy

Dick Strawbridge was full of praise for his daughter


As they chatted about fishing, Strawbridge asked Adoree: “Who was the best fisherperson in our house?”

“Well, aside from you, Dorothy,” she replied, making clear the surprise this had come as to the clan.

“As a definition of who’s the best fisherperson, who catches the biggest fish?” Strawbridge probed, to which Adoree once again answered “Dorothy”.

“And it’s ridiculous!” Strawbridge commented. “Dorothy started catching the biggest fish the first time she got given a princess fishing rod from Disney.

“It was about three foot tall, it was bright pink with princesses on it and she got herself a seven-pound corp, it was ridiculous wasn’t it?”

“It was,” Adoree responded, adding: “I mean Dorothy has got this absolutely wonderful patience.”