Bunged up Brits are losing sleep as one in six people admit to being booted out of bed over a stuffy nose.

Thousands of us will be banished from our beds this cold and flu season and lose hours of sleep, according to new research. Some blocked-up Brits say they’ve been forced to sleep on the floor and even in the car, with others heading to the spare room.

Unsurprisingly, many feel rubbish the next day, including having less energy, feeling more irritable, and a negative impact on concentration and professional performance. TV’s Dr Sara Kayat is urging Brits not to ‘suffer through’ a blocked nose when symptoms can be managed.

Eating one simple food can help fight off virsuses
Eating one simple food can help fight off virsuses (Image: Getty Images)

The research from Stérimar also revealed that over half admit that their snoring gets worse when they have a cold or blocked nose, which may explain why one in five has been forced to sleep elsewhere for five nights or more.

Dr Sara Kayat, who has partnered with Stérimar, said: “A blocked nose can feel worse at night because more blood flows to it when you lie down, which can add to nasal inflammation and congestion.

“Having your sleep disturbed by a cold or blocked nose is bad enough, but the survey shows that your sleep disturbance can quickly become the source of low energy, negative mood and even relationship grumbles if you keep your loved one awake.

“It’s important to find a solution quickly that helps you breathe more easily, and that lets those around you get good quality sleep too.”

“Natural nasal sprays such as Stérimar Congestion Relief can be an effective solution, decongesting the nose for up to six hours helping you to breathe better, day or night.”

Stérimar Congestion Relief is a hypertonic* solution made from 100% natural sea water, enriched with added copper to wash away even thick mucus.

For more information, visit https://www.sterimarnasal.co.uk/our-products/cold-congestion/.