If Toronto is serious about alleviating traffic gridlock, how about making Jarvis St. one way northbound from Front to Bloor Sts. and having Bay St. run southbound from Bloor to Front. And if traffic signals are synchronized this keeps traffic flowing and one-way streets eliminate all those annoying “no left turn” intersections which, in Toronto, seem everywhere. When you finally can make a left turn, so are many other drivers trying to do the same thing, thus creating a traffic back up. Toronto has too many narrow, potholed, two-way streets, all trying to accommodate cars, trucks, emergency vehicles, bikes, scooters and be the home for the odd flower container. Two-way streets may have been a success in the ’50s and ’60s. Those days are gone. Big cities around the world have many one-way streets, and they have been proven to be a success.

Don Ruttan                                                                                                                                                Cobourg

(There are many things Toronto can explore to get traffic moving yet little is done. It’s almost as if they like people being stuck for 10 minutes trying to make a turn. As for traffic signal co-ordination, how has that not been figured out by now)


It appears that Justin Trudeau is taking advantage of Kathleen Wynne’s blueprint on how to lead your political party into electoral oblivion. Perhaps Wynne can be of further assistance by recommending to Trudeau the model of minivan he can get after the next election to shuttle his remaining caucus around to their next retreat.

Kevin Ryan                                                                                                                                              Mississauga

(Many Liberals are going to lose their seats, and the ones who know that have already said they won’t run. The writing is on the wall)


What is happening to our city? In the last few years, the hate, violence, homelessness, car jackings, home invasions, enabling of drug addiction, and murders have all skyrocketed beyond belief. The hug-a-thug policy of our government is clearly not working. Was anyone surprised that the man accused of shooting a Toronto cop last week was on bail? Where are our so-called leaders? They are quick to cancel Don Cherry when he stands up for his country or to rename a street without learning the true history and sing Kumbaya. But they’re absent when the citizens really need them to do their jobs. Sad.

Mike Wyse                                                                                                                                              Etobicoke

(Another example of soft on crime policies brought to us by the judges who keep letting these people out on bail)