Several passengers on an American Airlines flight stepped in to help a woman get away from the allegedly violent man she was travelling with.

The pair was seated in first class on Flight AA310 from Miami to Charlotte, N.C., on Wednesday when several male passengers and a female flight attendant can be seen confronting the man.

One sternly tells the passenger to take his hands off the woman sitting next to him as the flight attendant tries to mediate, according to a video posted by Epoch Times reporter Arjun Singh on X, detailing the “violent incident” involving “several men” trying to “subdue another” after an altercation with the woman next to him.

“Do not f—ing touch her,” one man can be heard shouting in the passenger’s face, who replies with an inaudible response.

“I don’t give a f—,” the man says, as the passenger says he’s taken his hands off the woman.

“Look at me, you f—ed up, you don’t f—ing touch her,” the man continued.

A second man chimes in with a warning of his own, shouting, “Get your f—ing hands off of her right now.”

He added: “You touch her again, you’re gonna get f—ing arrested, a—hole.”


The first man could be seen asking the woman if she is OK, before others instruct her to move to an empty seat across the aisle.

As she moves seats, the alleged aggressor yells that the woman assaulted him, but she denied the accusation.

“No, you weren’t assaulted,” the woman responded. “I put my hand over your mouth to make you shut up.”

But the man insisted, “You slapped me!”

By then, the intervening passengers returned to their seats with the exception of one man, who remained in the aisle between the two.

The flight arrived at Charlotte Douglas International Airport 26 minutes early, Singh wrote on X, but the passengers were not allowed to deplane as a police officer entered the cabin.

A second video shared by Singh shows the cop on the scene, speaking with the female flight attendant who was initially in the mix.

She can be seen pointing to the feuding passengers, including the ones who intervened.

The officer was then seen asking passengers about the incident and the accused and the woman were escorted off of the plane, airline officials told the New York Post.

“Two customers traveling together were engaged in an altercation aboard American Airlines flight 310 with service from Miami to Charlotte on Oct. 2,” a spokesperson said.

“Local law enforcement responded and escorted the customers from the CLT airport.”

The airline added: “We do not tolerate violence, and we thank our team members for their professionalism in managing a difficult situation.”

It is unclear if the man was arrested or charged.