As we usher in the Jewish New Year, the forces of hate, antisemitism and ignorance remain blind to an undeniable truth: we’ve been here for 5,785 years — and we aren’t going anywhere. Our enemies, who’ve relentlessly targeted us for centuries, have forgotten that their own religious roots are deeply intertwined with biblical Judaism. Yet, they’ve persecuted us for our faith, resilience and sheer determination to survive.

We are not just any people — we are a people bound by history and tradition, a link in an unbroken chain stretching back to ancient times. Despite being small in number, we have survived more than any other people, contributing immeasurably to humanity’s scientific, academic and cultural wealth. Our exuberance for life and progress is unmatched, with Jewish Nobel Prize winners representing a significant portion of those who’ve shaped modern civilization. We are, without a doubt, a gift to humanity.

And yet, through centuries of crusades, inquisitions, pogroms and finally the Holocaust, we were reduced to just 0.02 per cent of the global population. But even so, we survived. Despite every attempt to destroy us, from the time of our forefathers — Abraham, Isaac and Jacob — our strength, faith and energy have been rooted in the land of Israel. Even when enslaved in Egypt, the promise of our homeland sustained us. Israel has been and always will be the wellspring of our strength — a land that beckons our return and renews our spirit.

Here we stand, 5,785 years later, at yet another pivotal moment in Jewish history. As we approach the first anniversary of the most heinous crime against the Jewish people since the Holocaust, all the forces of hatred have converged upon us once more. But there is a difference this time. While past atrocities were confined to certain geographies, today’s modern technology allows hate to travel at unprecedented speed. The violence and vitriol targeting Jews have gone global — whether online, in the media or on the streets of major cities.

But here’s the thing: we are no longer the same Jews of centuries past. We are no longer passive, no longer willing to simply endure. We have evolved, and today we confront and push back against these forces of evil. Hamas, once thought to be untouchable, has fallen like a house of cards. Hezbollah’s terror chief, Hassan Nasrallah, is decimated while its leadership is on the run. Even Iran, with its ballistic missiles and menacing threats, has twice proven no match for the might of Israel.

The Lions of Judah have awoken, and we have taken the gloves off. We are destroying the web of hatred and violence spun by the Iranian regime. Iran’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, once brazen and boastful, now hides in basements, realizing there’s no safe haven. By ridding the Palestinians of Hamas, the Lebanese of Hezbollah, and, one day, the Iranian people of Khamenei’s tyranny, Israel is freeing the world from the shackles of terrorism — just as Jews have done throughout history.

This year, in 5,785, the Jewish people are on the offensive. No longer will we tolerate a United Nations that bullies Israel, funds terror (through the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees), and weaponizes its courts against us. UN Secretary-General António Guterres has been banned from entering Israel for failing to condemn the latest Iranian assault — a clear message that the time for inaction is over.

Jewish communities and our allies around the world will fight back harder than ever before. We will confront the academics and students who poison our universities with antisemitism. The institutions that have benefited from Jewish intellect and resources will see those same resources withdrawn if they continue to harbour hatred. We will push back against the antisemitic rallies that stain our streets with calls for genocide. And we will stand firm against politicians who seek our support yet undermine the Jewish State at every turn.

But this year will not only be defined by defense. Israel and the global Jewish community will be more resolute than ever in building bridges with friends and allies — those who share our values of freedom and democracy. An Abraham Global Peace Initiative study released last week found that 77 per cent of Ontarians reject the violent antisemitism directed at Jewish communities. It’s clear that the world, too, is beginning to grow weary of the hate and intolerance perpetuated by pro-Hamas radicals.

For 5,785 years, we’ve persevered. Our history gives us a unique vantage point. And if you’re still one of those hoping for our demise, take a hard look at the annals of time. Decide which side of history you want to stand on. Because, since October 7, if you haven’t noticed, we are emboldened, energized and prepared to take you on. Our youth proudly wear the Star of David around their necks. We’re ready to fight — and win — for another 5,785 years.

Wishing all my Jewish readers a Shanah Tovah — Am Israel Chai!

National Post