Foyle Search & Rescue in Derry is trying to locate a 23-year-old man who entered the River Foyle.

The charity said that on Saturday morning Donal Armstrong entered the river and unfortunately he has not been recovered.

At present FSR is searching using, boat, drone, sonar and shore.

In coordination with his family, FSR was asked to share information with the public.

Donal Armstrong is 23, of thin build, with short fair hair with a reddish tinge. He was last seen wearing a navy jacket with a white crest on the breast (ripped on the back right armpit), navy hoodie under the coat and an orange T-shirt below this, black trousers, blue trainers with brown soles and light blue lines on the heels.

There will be no public call out from FSR to assist in the search, however if members of the public wish to walk the shoreline they’ve been encouraged to do so safely.

Scores of people expressed their sadness at the news and offered to help the family.

One friend said: “Our funny, amazing staff member Donal!

“Please help bring him home to his family. If anyone along the water can see anything, please reach out to Foyle Search and Rescue or the Police Derry City & Strabane

“We will be helping search and will be doing planned walks, please get in touch if you wish to join us an help.”

Advising anyone who may wish to help, FSR said personal safety is of the highest importance and provided the following safety guidelines:

  • Always stay in a group of at least two and let someone know the area you are searching and notify them when you have completed your search
  • Wear appropriate clothing for the weather conditions (warm/waterproof clothing)
  • Wear a high-vis vest/bib/jacket if possible, to enable you to be easily identifiable
  • If you have access to a pole or brush shaft, please use it to test the ground in front of you
  • Always carry a fully charged mobile phone.
  • Be careful along the river’s edge and search between the river’s edge and high water line, not along the waters edge
  • If you approach rocks or large trees, try to walk around, not over, unless this means going too close to the edge
  • Do not walk on the glar/mud as you may become stuck and need rescued
  • Do not wade or enter the water
  • Do not climb over any railings, under any circumstances
  • Do not cross over onto, or walk along, rail tracks.
  • Check tidal tables and weather forecast prior to commencing any search – if you need any advice on tides contact FSR
  • If searching after dark, stick to well lit-footpaths – FSR does not recommend searching in darkness
  • After dark, do not shine any light onto boats or skis carrying out search/recovery activity, as this reduces visibility of those on the water
  • When searching along railings or on any of the bridges, do not lean over the railings as CCTV operators may not differentiate between a genuine searcher and a person who may be in need of help, requiring immediate activation of the emergency services

In the event of finding any items of clothing etc, FSR advised the public not to touch or remove them. Instead, contact the PSNI on 101 who will in turn alert Foyle Search & Rescue.

“If an item of interest is in the water, stay close enough to keep an eye on it but do not go any closer. If the object is moving, try and walk along with it. Contact 101 who will in turn alert Foyle Search. Tell the operator the direction the object is floating in. If possible follow the object until help arrives.

“If you notice a body, do not go any closer or attempt to move. Dial 999 who will alert Foyle Search & Rescue. Give as much information as you can.”

If you have any queries please feel free to get in touch with FSR on 02871313800.

News Catch Up – Monday 30th September