Re “Tunnel vision” (Brian Lilley, Sept. 26): I don’t know what Doug Ford is smoking, but he needs to wean himself off it and quick because it is without a doubt going to be bad for our health — mainly due to the astronomical cost and the general upheaval which will increase the traffic congestion over the next 10 to 20 years while they build it. Also, what about cost overruns, there is bound to be plenty of those, pushing the original estimate up by double or even quadruple. If you want to do a feasibility study, go and interview the residents and bureaucrats in Boston, that will give you all the information you need to scrap the idea now before it’s too late. According to Ford, it would stretch from Mississauga to Markham, what happens when the tunnel traffic merges with existing ground level traffic, you have absolute chaos. Same amount of traffic, struggling to merge into the existing roads. May I be as bold as to offer an alterative suggestion, you have the solution staring you in the face, but no one dare mention the grossly underused Hwy. 407. I’m no fan of Bonnie Crombie, but she did propose letting trucks on the 407 without tolls — if you can do it for trucks, you can do it for all vehicles.

Steve Smith                                                                                                                                      Ajax

(There are going to be many glaring problems that arise from exploring the proposal to tunnel under the 401. At least they aren’t just doing it without studying it first)


Re “Let’s hope Ford government limits bike lanes” (Brian Lilley, Sept. 21): I propose changes for the Province of Ontario to make regarding transportation projects in cities: 1. The city will make no changes that impede Emergency Vehicles after construction is complete. 2. The city will make no changes to highways, primary and secondary arteries that will reduce the expected peak usage measured in person-kilometres. This will ensure the safety of citizens requiring emergency services, and that our transportation is set up to move the most people around possible.

Terry Belanger                                                                                                                                   Toronto

(You should run for council)