I hear Justin Trudeau brag about our health-care system to the U.S.A. on TV. Well, I would like to say how it really works and the waiting people have to go through. Such as I’m doing and many others that are more important because it could mean the difference between life and death for them where it just means prolonged chronic pain for me.

Jim Randall
Corunna, Ont.

(It was his lame attempt at taking a dig at the United States’ health system, while completely ignoring the failings in Canada’s universal health care system)


Well it sounds like a mad idea but I think Doug Ford is just trying out an idea to get people to wrap their heads around the idea that maybe, just maybe, we have a wee traffic congestion problem. Ya think? Heck, I won’t even venture south of the 407 unless I’m getting paid to do it. It’s actually obvious what we really need to consider. Too many cars because we have too many people. What are we doing? We’re bringing in more people. We need to think of the city as a container. It has a capacity. Now, yes, we do have the Century Initiative telling us we need more people for blah blah reasons but they’re wrong. Then we have the bicycle crowd screaming we need to get rid of cars but they’re wrong too. And the transit crowd saying everybody should just take the bus. Please. I live 10 minutes north of Stouffville. What bus? So, what’s the solution? It’s actually staring as us right in the face. Stop building big apartments and stop bringing in people. Essentially, stop immigration until we have all of our problems sorted out. No, we can’t actually build tunnels under the 401. It would take more than a few decades and hundreds of billions of dollars. Think about the Crosstown or any transit project. Way over budget and not even close to being finished. Let’s just stop bringing in more people and let nature take its course. Population control through attrition.

Jeremy Thornton

(It’s going to be next to impossible to unwind the damage that has already been done so we need to address the situation such as it is. It is more than fair to be skeptical about this proposal since no government has proved their ability to build transit and infrastructure on time and on budget. But we can’t dismiss out of hand new ideas)