The woke leftist Marxist TDSB should have been abolished long ago.

Geoffrey Corfield
London, Ont.

(Hear hear)


I’ve been a karate instructor for 45 years. I am so sick of seeing stories where the crooks are robbing people, they get taken down and the cops are portrayed as the bad guys for hurting or sometimes killing a perpetrator. These bad guys would give no second thought to beating an innocent victim for $50. What a lot of the woke liberal critics don’t get is, if a bad guy comes at me with nine units of force, for me to protect myself, I have to exert 10 units of force. The same stands with the cops apprehending a perp. If the guy just put his hands up and said, “I give,” the cops take him in with no problem. If the criminal puts up a huge amount of resistance, it stands to reason that a huge amount of resistance will be used as a counter-measure. So a message to all the bad guys out there, if you want to rob someone and you end up getting hurt, just consider that an occupational hazard.

Mark Yates
Elmira, Ont.

(With cameras everywhere, cops have to be on guard when doing their job. The majority of police do not use excessive force when apprehending a suspect)


Any politician or party that forms any deal with the Bloc separatists must be defeated. Never make a bargain with them. Voters in the next federal election must overwhelmingly elect a Conservative majority. I am talking 275 to 300 seats. The Liberals, NDP and the Bloc must be simultaneously targeted for defeat.

Bob Dorcas

(There is a real possibility the Bloc becomes the official opposition after the next election)


Re “Putting America first” (The Associated Press, Sept. 25): Hilarious, economists warn U.S. consumers will bear the costs of Trump’s proposed tariffs yet Harris’s proposal to raise the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28% doesn’t receive the same negativity. They really think the public is that gullible!

Bill Chapman

(Yes they do. Anything Trump does is declared scary. They failed to mention the majority of the tariffs from the previous administration were kept in place by Biden and Harris)