What started out as a frustration turned into something a lot more serious for NFL Hall of Fame quarterback Brett Favre.

In an interview with TMZ Sports in August – which the outlet kept under wraps at the request of the Green Bay Packers legend – Favre revealed that he had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in early January.

Favre said that he began experiencing trouble using his right arm and hand, which gave him suspicions that something else was up.

TMZ says Favre told them about his health issues while discussing football topics late last month and, after going public with his diagnosis during a hearing on Capitol Hill on Tuesday, gave the outlet permission to run the interview.

Favre explained he first had suspicions of deeper health problems when his dominant right arm would get “stuck.”

He said he’d push it down and forget about it, but seconds later “it would be right back there.”

He also shared that he had no issues with strength, only with keeping his hand steady, using the example of holding a screwdriver.

He said that what ultimately led him to go to a doctor was his struggles to get his arm through the sleeve of a jacket.

“I felt my arm,” he said, “the strength was there, but I could not guide it. And it was the most frustrating thing.”

The retired QB also revealed that after he was diagnosed with the degenerative nervous system disorder, five specialists told him they believed it likely was due to the hits he suffered during his playing days.

“They all said the same thing,” he said. “‘If it’s not in your family’ — and there’s (no members with Parkinson’s disease) on either side of my family — ‘then the first thing we look at is head trauma.’ Well, hell, I wrote the book on head trauma.”

Favre didn’t literally write a book, however he did produce the documentary Concussed: The American Dream, which delves into the issue of head injuries in football.

In an Instagram post on Wednesday, Favre expressed his gratitude for the support he has received since revealing his diagnosis. 

“First, I want to thank God for all He has done in my life,” Favre wrote. 

“As you know, I was recently diagnosed w/ Parkinson’s which has been an ordeal. My wife, family and friends have been supportive and I want to thank them for being there for me. 

“To my fans and those wishing well — thank you all for the love.” 

Favre has been linked to a Mississippi welfare scandal in which he and several other high-profile people were alleged to have been involved in the misuse of welfare money for personal projects. 

During his testimony to the House Ways and Means Committee, he opened up about his diagnosis. 

“Sadly, I also lost an investment in a company (Prevacus) that I believed was developing a breakthrough concussion drug I thought would help others,” Favre said Tuesday. “I’m sure you’ll understand, while it’s too late for me because I’ve recently been diagnosed with Parkinson’s, this is also a cause dear to my heart.”