Three abandoned kittens that were discovered inside a car engine have been taken in by a local charity after being rescued by a concerned member of the public.

The small felines – Sloan, Mimi and Fawn – were just four weeks old when they came under the care of Cats Protection Northern Ireland Cat Centre in Dundonald.

They were found after a passer-by heard distressed meowing coming from under the vehicle’s bonnet, where the baby cats were found covered in dirt and engine oil.

Andrew Doherty, manager at the cat centre, said: “We think these vulnerable kittens had likely been abandoned by their mother and tucked themselves into the car engine for warmth and safety.

“Sloan, Mimi, and Fawn have required round-the-clock care from our dedicated team, including frequent small meals, gentle cleaning, specialised kitten formula, and lots of TLC.

“The kittens are going from strength to strength so far, however there’s no substitute for mum and we will continue to monitor Sloan, Mimi and Fawn very closely and take it a day at a time.”

The charity is appealing to the community to raise £1,000 to support Sloan, Mimi, and Fawn’s ongoing care.

The money will go towards providing specialist food, medical care, vaccinations, microchipping, and eventual neutering for the kittens.

Andrew added: “We receive no government funding, so we rely entirely on donations from kind-hearted people to help our cats.

“Without public support, we wouldn’t be able to provide the lifesaving care and attention these kittens desperately need. Every penny counts, and every donation – no matter how small – brings us closer to our goal of giving Sloan, Mimi, and Fawn the future they deserve.

“We are a community of passionate volunteers, employees, and supporters, all working to make life better for cats. These kittens are just three examples of the many cats who end up in our care and with your help, we can give them, and countless others, the second chance they deserve.”

To support Sloan, Mimi, and Fawn, find more info about them on their Just Giving page here.