Energy Secretary Ed Miliband has pledged to lift more than a million renters out of fuel poverty as part of the Government’s plans to boost energy efficiency standards by 2030.

Labour’s warm homes plan aims to make properties across the country cheaper to run by installing new insulation and rolling out solar panels on rooftops.

Mr Miliband said Labour intends to go “further and faster” than its manifesto pledge by raising standards in the social housing sector, in addition to the private rented sector.

Ahead of his speech at the Labour conference in Liverpool, he said: “We all know that the poorest people in our country often live in cold, draughty homes.

“It is a Tory legacy. It is a Tory scandal. It is a Tory outrage. This Government will not tolerate this injustice and we will end it.

“And because being Labour means we raise our sights to tackle injustice, we will go further and faster than promised in our manifesto: ensuring every rented home reaches decent standards of energy efficiency.

“Warmer homes, lower bills, over one million people lifted out of fuel poverty. That’s the difference a Labour Government makes.”

The Government has committed to consulting tenants on its warm homes plan by the end of this year.