How did they do it? A game which looked a real struggle at times was rescued and what a way to save it.

With the clock reading 84 minutes, David Shanahan found a way of getting the ball over the line to bring Richie Murphy’s men the result in the most dramatic fashion too.

It was hardly a classic but Ulster, under the pump for so much of the game dug in and found a way to do it, David McCann’s 72nd minute try supplementing the first effort by Aidan Morgan.

Sheer grit and all that, downing the URC champions first game up.

It took less than six minutes for Glasgow to get on the scoreboard their dominance in contact and physicality already on show.

A second penalty conceded saw Tom Jordan put the ball to the corner and after Richie Gray’s take, the maul rumbled over with some ease, Johnny Matthews getting his first score of the season.

However, Jordan missed the extras.

Ulster needed to settle and after the Warriors were penalised when John Andrew got his hands on the ball, the subsequent lineout was lost following Aidan Morgan’s touch finder.

However, Ulster rapidly won another penalty and this time the lineout was closer to the red zone and was won by David McCann. What followed was a period of sustained pressure from the home team with strong carries from skipper Iain Henderson and Nick Timoney as well as Corrie Barrett.

With penalty advantage and unable to get the ball down, Nathan Doak took the three on offer from near the sticks to get Ulster’s scoring for the season under way.

Their first try followed shortly afterwards, Aidan Morgan’s charge down of a Jordan kick allowing him dive on the bobbling ball which saw Michael Lowry nearly make the line before possession was recycled and Morgan, who had started it all, scrambled over.

Doak’s conversion gave Ulster what had earlier seemed an unlikely lead, Richie Murphy’s side in front by 10-5.

Henco Venter tied things up on 25 minutes when the Warriors put in a strong surge towards Ulster’s line off a penalty and this time Jordan slotted the two extra points to give the visitors a two-point lead.

Just after the half hour and with the Warriors again looking formidable both with ball in hand in the wide channels and through their maul, Ulster managed to win a turnover as the Scots churned towards the province’s line and then a free kick at the subsequent scrum.

It allowed Ulster to clear their lines, and the relief was palpable for those in white.

The half ended with Ulster again on the defensive, the Warriors putting yet another penalty – their seventh in the opening 40 – into the home side’s 22.

And with their maul beginning to get up some steam, Ulster again pulled off a turnover, Henderson, David McCann and John Andrew seemingly snaffling the ball for Doak to kick out and end proceedings for the first half.

Glasgow began the new half as if they meant business and had Rory Darge over the line on 48 minutes off a pass from Stafford McDowall, however the TMO intervened to rule out the try from an earlier forward pass.

Again, some good fortune for Ulster who had been picked apart down that channel twice in quick succession by a combination of Jamie Dobie, McDowall and Darge.

Glasgow kept coming but again couldn’t find a way of breaking through. On 57 minutes contact between between Jordan and Stewart Moore’s head resulted in the Warriors 10 being shown yellow by referee Adam Jones.

The net result was not only Jordan sitting things out for 10 minutes, but Moore going for an HIA and Werner Kok coming on for his debut.

With the extra man, Ulster launched Ethan McIlroy down the left and after some strong rumbles from the pack, they secured a penalty and after a debate put it into the corner.

Ulster now laid siege to the Glasgow line and after some strong drives from Timoney, Cormac Izuchukwu and Harry Sheridan, Jude Postlethwaite got the ball and seemed to be over.

It was ruled out, but Ulster had penalty advantage and though they didn’t score Richie Gray was binned reducing Glasgow to 13. Ulster tapped again but James McNabney was held up.

It was their only attack against 13 as Jordan now returned to bring Glasgow up to 14.

But Ulster kept at it and after 15 minutes camped near the Glasgow line, McCann wriggled free at a ruck to touch the ball down though Morgan was unable to add to the total.

Still, Ulster had the lead but only for two minutes as Glasgow worked the ball down the right for skipper Kyle Steyn to step Morgan and score.

Adam Hastings added a great conversion and that looked it for Ulster as Gray came on to make it 15 against 15.

With the clock in red, Ulster once again had opportunity and yet again used their forwards as the battering ram. In the 84th minute Dave Shanahan burrowed through and after viewing it on the big screen, the score stood and Ulster, somehow had won.

Ulster: E McIlroy, M Lowry, S Moore, J Postlethwaite, J Stockdale, A Morgan, N Doak; E O’Sullivan, J Andrew, C Barrett, I Henderson (capt), K Treadwell, J McNabney, D McCann, N Timoney

Replacements: J McCormick for Andrew 67mins, A Warwick for O’Sullivan 45mins, T O’Toole for Barrett 45mins, H Sheridan for Henderson 57mins, C Izuchukwu for Treadwell 52mins, D Shanahan for Doak 53mins, J Humphreys not used, W Kok for Moore 57mins, Moore for McIlroy 69mins.

Glasgow Warriors: J McKay, S Cancelliere, S McDowall, S Tuipulotu, K Steyn (capt), T Jordan, J Dobie; J Bhatti, J Matthews, S Talakai, M Williamson, R Gray, M Fagerson, R Darge, H Venter

Replacements: G Hiddleston for Matthews 57mins, N McBeth for Bhatti 46mins, Z Fagerson for Talakai 46mins, A Samuel for M Fagerson 69mins, G Brown for Williamson 46mins, E Ferrie for Venter 57mins, B Afshar not used, A Hastings for McDowall 57mins

Referee: Adam Jones

Ulster logo
Glasgow Warriors logo
Glasgow Warriors
6 minutes ago
Keith Bailie
Anyway, Ulster win a crazy game by a single point thanks to a try from a bit-part player with the last action of the game.

It was a brilliant performance, but it was an incredible moment for both Shanahan and the Ulster faithful. 

7 minutes ago
Keith Bailie
Dave Shanahan though
8 minutes ago
Keith Bailie
Morgan misses…but who cares? 
9 minutes ago
Keith Bailie
It’s given!

9 minutes ago
Keith Bailie
I really don’t see any reason to disallow that. Shanahan placed it cleanly 
10 minutes ago
Keith Bailie
Oh no. It’s going to the video ref. More drama
10 minutes ago
Keith Bailie
Shanahan dots down from half metre after four minutes of solid pressure.
11 minutes ago
Keith Bailie
It’s only Dave Shanahan! 
11 minutes ago
Keith Bailie
11 minutes ago
Keith Bailie
12 minutes ago
Keith Bailie
Now one metre from the line
12 minutes ago
Keith Bailie
We’re still on the five metre line
12 minutes ago
Keith Bailie
Darge thinks he has the turnover…no…play goes on
14 minutes ago
Keith Bailie
Ulster camped on the Glasgow five metre line 
14 minutes ago
Keith Bailie
We’re over the 80 minute mark, but Ulster have a penalty inside their own half. Morgan kicks for touch – lineout to Ulster 15 metres or so from the line
17 minutes ago
Keith Bailie
It’s a strange game this. On one hand it feels like Ulster have missed a huge opportunity to win, but on the other Glasgow really should have won by far more.

One minute left on the clock. 

20 minutes ago
Keith Bailie
Hastings kicks the points 
21 minutes ago
Keith Bailie
A nice move from Glasgow is finished by Kyle Steyn from 10 metres out. A sucker punch for Ulster
21 minutes ago
Keith Bailie
Ulster’s lead last for barely a minute 
22 minutes ago
Keith Bailie
Aidan Morgan fluffs the conversion. Ulster only lead by three