Records say that Ottawa continues to send foreign aid to China in a fund to promote LGBTQ rights according to Blacklock’s Reporter.

An Inquiry Of Ministry tabled in the Commons says the Department of Foreign Affairs detailed millions in aid under the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives.

“The program was developed with the objective of addressing local needs through local partners in line with Canada’s foreign policy priorities,” the department wrote in the inquiry.

“As such, the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives projects are designed, proposed and implemented by local civil society organizations active at the community and grassroots level.”

Under this fund, money to China totalled $3.08 million in the past four years after a figures request from Conservative MP Kelly McCauley (Edmonton West).

The Canada Fund spends $26.9 million a year worldwide.

“The Fund continues to be a tool for advancing two spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and additional sexually and gender diverse peoples’ rights internationally,” said the Inquiry.

“The Fund has provided consistent advocacy support on this issue,” it added.

Four years ago, Opposition MPs called for an immediate end to all foreign aid to China, a “Communist dictatorial government that abuses human rights.”

Statistical Reports On International Assistance says Canadian foreign aid to China overall has decreased from $41 million in 2020 to $7.8 million in 2023.