Mr. Snobelen’s article (Sept. 13) seems to suggest that Trump lacks some courage to face reality. His analysis seems off base to me. Getting shot at in the head and getting up after and raising your fist definitely suggests courage to me. ABC allowed the Democratic party’s reality to go unchecked. Media seems to accept the Dem’s party’s reality even when it’s a blatant misquote lie taken out of context. The cats and dog thing seems far-fetched, but in today’s world, nothing is completely out of the question.

Peter Karas                                                                                                                                                     Oakville

(Former president Trump showed nothing but courage, and continues to go out and campaign even after a second assassin was caught)


I can still remember as an elementary school student the daily update on the Cuban crisis. As children, we were made aware of the dangers of nuclear war, and JFK, the American president at the time, spent hours stating his position and reassuring the public as best he could. Juxtapose that response with the current situation that positions the U.S.A. and NATO countries with a likelihood of all-out war with Russia. Compare the responses of today’s leaders. President Biden remains on the beach in his hometown and hasn’t made any statement on the threat of war. His vice president seems oblivious to the threat in an attempt to avoid public scrutiny. To make matters worse, Canada’s leader has said he supports Ukraine’s plans to fire missiles into Russian territory, which is the potential trigger for the possibility of World War III. What are today’s elementary school students to do to cope with the threat of Armageddon?

Doug Appt                                                                                                                                                Niagara Falls, Ontario

(Transparency is not any government’s strong suit and the public deserves to understand the consequences of these so-called leaders’ decisions on our behalf)


Re ‘More defence dollars go down the drain’ (Editorial, Sept.16): The Justin Trudeau Liberal government has no problem spending 2% of GDP for defence. They are experts at that endeavour. It is ideology and priority. DEI is more important to them than DND. Even a Poilievre government needs to prioritize. We must consider our geographic circumstance. We have three ocean borders and a land border with the U.S.A. with whom we share defence of NA. Western Europe is similarly configured, but with the threat of proximity of hostile nations. What is their strategy beyond NATO? We need expert advice to forge a military force with the most effective weapons and equipment to defend our borders, including NA commitments, manage natural disasters and fulfill our international obligations. Our problem is not our military personnel. It is our insular government and inept civil service.

Larry Sylvester                                                                                                                                                   Acton, Ont.

(Canada’s most significant challenge is having a government which is either disinterested or incompetent when it comes to the real geopolitical issues facing us today)