Some errant motorists just didn’t get the message.

Toronto Police hit drivers with more than 10,500 tickets during the force’s back-to-school road safety campaign.

“It is important to reinforce safe and co-operative road user behaviours at all times of the year, but even more important to remind everyone when daily routines and traffic patterns change,” said Sgt. Murray Campbell in a statement.

Officers focused on enforcement in school zones across the city from Sept. 3-13.

They targeted the so-called “big four” offences, issuing about 2,200 speeding tickets, 2,700 aggressive driving-related tickets, 550 distracted driving-related tickets, and made 65 drug-or-alcohol-related arrests.

Police say more than 1,000 drivers received cautions. In addition to the tickets, cops issued 231 parking tags.
