A dangerous intersection in South Bristol has been identified as a collision hotspot and is set to be addressed in upcoming transport changes. The Bedminster junction of Luckwell Road and Winterstoke Road, described by locals as ‘absolutely awful’, is on Bristol City Council’s radar for safety improvements. Bristol Live readers have been sharing their experiences in our comments section.

Motorists frequently use Luckwell Road as a shortcut, turning right onto Winterstoke Road from West Street, instead of navigating the winding Parson Street gyratory. The Number 24 bus also travels along Winterstoke Road, crossing from Luckwell Road on to South Liberty Lane. The absence of traffic lights makes right turns challenging and risky.

The potential changes will be considered as part of the South Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood project. Multiple people who responded to a consultation on the South Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood flagged issues.

It has been the site of several accidents in recent years, including one in January of this year. Tragically, in 2020, a 34-year-old man from Knowle lost his life at the scene following a car crash there. A few years ago Bristol Live readers voted the junction as one of the 11 worst road junctions in the city.

Commenter Ezergood says: “Needs 20mph signs, speed humps, cameras, and a lot of planters.”

Wesfrench thinks: “Nothing wrong with it if you drive sensibly. I’m 82 and I manage to cross both roads using common sense and manners! I have used this road to drive to Sainsbury’s most days – it’s a doddle! Just keep your wits about you.”

Highvaluelocal replies: “Try crossing it on foot? Impossible. On a bike it’s dangerous, in a car turning right in either direction is an absolute mess.”

Mindless points out: “Firstly, it’s not a ‘junction’, it’s a controlled crossroad. Luckwell Road crossing Winterstoke Road with FOUR lanes of traffic to TWO other roads: South Liberty Lane & Marsh Lane. The entrance to the filling station, the climbing centre car park and vehicles parked for the café nearby increase the accident risk as they are extremely busy. Changing the layout might help – quite how I know not.”

Readandlearn replies: “Money can be spent on messing with the roads but it’s the drivers that are the problem. That’s why Liveable Neighbourhoods are an ideal solution.”

Automica writes: “This junction provides a pretty poor experience for a pedestrian crossing, crossing straight over with any vehicle means a rush as you have to negotiate traffic that is trying to get up Winterstoke in time so they don’t get `caught` at the lights. The junction at least needs an island so you can cross in two stages, and more than likely some means to slow the traffic when you do. All motorists are also pedestrians so it’s not an ‘us or them’ scenario.”

Berklicker replies: “It’s a pretty poor experience to be blamed for an accident you didn’t cause just because you were driving the car someone ran out in front of. To make a slight detour as a pedestrian is far greener than to stop or delay the flow of traffic even more than it already is too, the infrastructure is in place for pedestrians it’s just not as convenient so they mess up the whole road at massive expense. Everyone needs to do their bit.”

Bigrich says: “The entire road is dangerous. Coming up from Sainsbury’s, the two-lane road is like a motorway. Change that to one lane first to slow it down.”

OJ009 agrees: “It’s certainly difficult to get out at certain times from Luckwell and South Liberty, but it’s not inherently dangerous. The problem is that any meaningful solution will no longer prioritise the main road meaning that congestion increases.”

Readandlearn states: “This is not a dangerous junction as reported. Dangerous means able to cause harm or injury and a junction can’t do that. A car driver, on the other hand, is dangerous as they cause harm, injury and death with their carelessness when failing to control their vehicle.”

Do you think this junction needs upgrading? Is it dangerous? Have your say in our comments section