A boy who was born with ‘club foot’ in both his feet and endured years of treatment at Bristol’s children’s hospital is showing exactly how amazing the treatment he received was – by taking part in the Great Bristol Run.

And Reuben Tushingham has not only signed up to take part in May’s big weekend of street running in Bristol city centre, but he’s persuaded a big group of his friends from school, as well as family and friends to take part – so there will be as many as 15 youngsters supporting him on the junior run.

It is quite an achievement for the nine-year-old from Horfield, whose parents were told at their 20-week scan that Reuben would be born with a condition called talipes, which happens when the Achilles tendon is too short and causes the foot to turn in and under. It’s commonly known as ‘club foot’ and both of Reuben’s feet were badly affected.

He has undergone treatment for years, including a major operation a couple of years ago. Remarkably, he’s now a very active nine-year-old, and is making up for lost time – walking, playing football for Ashley Down Boys, riding his bike and – on Saturday May 10, taking part in the 2.5km junior event for those aged nine to 15 years old.

“We were told about Reuben’s condition at the 20-week scan and were advised that it wouldn’t be mild,” explains Reuben’s father, David. “Right from soon after he was born, Bristol Children’s Hospital has been there for us at every stage. Not only did they take the time to make sure we understood everything that was happening throughout Reuben’s treatment, but they also made sure we felt emotionally supported. Everyone was so warm and accommodating, which makes such a difference,” he added.

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“When Reuben was born we didn’t know what to expect, so to see him take part in this run makes us beyond delighted. The Junior Mini event gives us a chance to give something back to the hospital which works so hard to support children and their families who are facing all kinds of significant challenges,” he added.

Reuben and all his friends – including sister Iona – are running in the Junior event in aid of The Grand Appeal, the Wallace & Gromit-inspired fundraiser for the Children’s Hospital. Reuben said he wanted to do it to give something back to the people that helped him.

Some of those running the AJ Bell Great Bristol Run
Some of those running the AJ Bell Great Bristol Run (Image: AJ Bell Great Bristol Run)

“Bristol Children’s Hospital cared for me so that today I can do runs like this one,” he said. “They gave me boots and a bar, operated on my feet, gave me new splints to wear and plaster casts when I needed them. They taught me stretches that I need to do as I grow.

“They made me feel safe and they cheered me on through my treatment. Because of their kindness and hard work, I can play football with my friends and ride my bike,” he added.

Reuben will be running as part of a team of friends and family who are taking part in the Junior and Mini event to raise money for the Grand Appeal. Little sister Iona, aged five, will be taking part in the Mini event for runners aged between three and eight. In previous years, the Great Bristol Run has held a ‘Family Run’ event for runners aged three and over – and last year Reuben got stuck into that and raised more than £1,000 for the Grand Appeal on his own.

This year, organisers of the AJ Bell Great Bristol Run have split the family event into two – a ‘junior’ and a ‘mini’ race, and Reuben and his friends are taking part in the Junior version. To enter the Junior and Mini event click here – ‘Mini’ entrants must run with a parent or carer, while junior entrants do not need to be accompanied by an adult.

Reuben’s been busy training with his friends, by taking part in his local parkrun at Horfield Common. “His feet can get tired quite quickly, so we just take things at his pace to make sure he feels comfortable,” said dad David. “Iona is training alongside Reuben and is keen to cross the finish line faster than she did at the Family Run last year!” he added.

To find out more about ‘Team Reuben’ and their fundraising, click here.

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