Recent research indicates that over half of adults aged 70 and above who still drive are worried about the day they can no longer do so, with two-thirds determined not to depend on others for transportation.

A study commissioned by Nissan found that one in five seniors would consider travelling in a self-driving car to remain independent.

93 year old Brad Ashton, a retired comedy scriptwriter famed for working with Groucho Marx, Tommy Cooper, and Les Dawson, trialled one of Nissan’s autonomous vehicles in Cranfield, Bedfordshire.

Brad, a driver since 1947 who currently uses a Nissan Micra, took a special half-hour trip in the self-driving LEAF model along the village’s narrow lanes.

Afterwards, Brad commented: “New technology like this is fantastic and it’s important to embrace it. Cars were different back in 1947 you had to crank them up so I’ve always wondered what the cars of the future would be like and this is it.”

On being the first older individual to test the vehicle, he said he felt neither frightened nor worried but was safe and comfortable during the drive.

Retired scriptwriter Brad Ashton, 93, gets a ride in an autonomous car
Retired scriptwriter Brad Ashton, 93, gets a ride in an autonomous car (Image: Pinpep / SWNS)

Stressing the value of motoring independence, Brad mentioned: “being independent and still being able to drive is really important to me.”

He relies on his car to care for his wife Valerie, whom he married in 1961, as the local bus service is inadequate.

Many people share his concerns, particularly those in rural areas, where 36 per cent of non-drivers report feeling socially isolated.

In contrast, only 9 per cent of non-drivers in urban areas feel this way, likely due to better public transport options.

Meanwhile, 10 per cent of those surveyed expressed enthusiasm for the potential introduction of self-driving cars in the UK.

When asked about riding in an autonomous vehicle, 64 per cent admitted to feeling apprehensive, 24 per cent were curious, and 12 per cent would be astonished.

Retired scriptwriter Brad Ashton, 93, gets a ride in an autonomous car.
‘I thought I’d be frightened’ said Brad (Image: Pinpep / SWNS)

These findings are part of an eight-year research project called evolvAD, which has successfully completed over 16,000 miles of autonomous driving on the UK’s motorways, urban centres, residential streets, and countryside without incident.

David Moss, senior vice president of research and development at Nissan, which led the project with four industry partners, said: “Our research shows many elderly people feel socially isolated because they don’t drive – and older drivers worry about losing their independence if they can no longer take to the wheel themselves.

“As well as making driving safer by reducing human error, and cleaner by improving efficiency, this technology will give many more people access to mobility who may not have it due to location, age or disability.

“It has been a privilege working with our dedicated partners to advance autonomous driving mobility.

“Our talented UK team at Nissan Technical Centre Europe in Cranfield will continue developing this technology, and we’re excited to bring autonomous driver services to customers in the coming years.”

Brad also commented: “One thing though – it’d be great if the driverless cars of the future could find you a parking space.”