Often seen as a sugary indulgence, there’s one kind of chocolate that can have some pretty impressive health benefits. Experts have highlighted how dark chocolate is better for you over its milk or white counterparts.
Dark chocolate’s reputation for being healthier stems from its rich cocoa content and minimal to non-existent milk presence.
The health perks of dark chocolate are attributed to the cocoa bean, according to nutritionists. Whitney English, a registered dietitian at Whitney E. RD, told TODAY.com that cocoa beans are “packed with phytochemicals” which have anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and antihypertensive properties.
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Whitney pointed out that the nutritional value of chocolate increases with the proportion of cocoa solids. “The more cocoa solids a product contains, the more nutritious it is. Dark chocolate contains the most cocoa bean solids and therefore is the most nutrient-dense,” she explained.
As well as this, dark chocolate is known for its high flavonoid content, compounds known for their health benefits. For a healthy option, experts recommend choosing chocolates with over 70 percent dark cocoa, reports Surrey Live.
Professor Tim Spector, founder of ZOE, agreed, advising: “If you go for very high cocoa content, then you’re less likely to get anything that’s unhealthy. Pick something with the minimum number of ingredients on the label, and then you know you’re going to get something that is really natural with very little taken away.”

Which chocolate is the healthiest?
For those with a penchant for intensely dark chocolate, research has highlighted a few options available in the UK.
Hamilton’s Chocolatiers have outlined the benefits: “Imagine diving into a pool of antioxidants; that’s what indulging in 100 percent cocoa chocolate is like. Cacao is packed with polyphenols, substances that fight oxidative stress and have the potential to quell inflammation. The high flavanol content in dark chocolate, particularly at 100 percent cocoa, can also promote a surge in heart health benefits.”
Hotel Chocolat
This popular chocolatier offers 100 percent Dark Chocolate Batons – Rare and Vintage.

Montezuma’s Dark Chocolate
Available at Sainsbury’s, this is also a 100 percent dark chocolate made entirely without milk, making it suitable for vegans.
Firetree rich volcanic chocolate
Another 100 percent chocolate, this one boasts 14g of protein.
According to Firetree’s website: “The unique and complex flavours of this 100% cocoa are teased out during the long, slow process of whole bean roasting. This drives out any bitterness to reveal a deeply complex flavour that will surprise and delight the most refined chocolate palates.”
It’s crucial to check the ingredients and ensure the chocolate contains minimal amounts of sugar and milk.
How much dark chocolate should you eat?
There might not be a precise rulebook on the ideal dark chocolate intake, but the secret lies in sensible consumption.
According to Spencer Hyman, the founder of Cocoa Runners, the top tip he shared with ZOE is: “Try and train yourself to savour rather than to scarf.
“It’s much better to have [a little bit of dark chocolate] than scarf some low-fat vanilla yogurt, which has actually got seven times the amount of sugar in it than a dark chocolate bar would have.”